Honestly, when you believe in something, or have a vision, never give up. Check your intentions and if you really want the best not only for yourself but others related or unrelated.. sounds good to me
As I took a walk to my local shops along Chatsworth Road, I was astounded by the number of yard sales lining several roads.
The sight of old dusty books, brick a brak and musty clothes, accompanied by what appeared to be hastily written signs of Lemonade for sale. I walked past at least six yard sales on either side.
I'm never one in favour of cluttering up walkways but apparently the desire to clog our pavements in on the rise, and shows no signs of abating.
But here's the rub.
Recently, I had a conversation with a English woman who explained to me that she moved outside of London because she wanted a more racial mix, especially as she herself had mixed race children, and her desire was, to expose her children to as many cultures as possible.
The area she moved from was Ilford, (?) which had allegedly become a predominantly Muslim area. (her words not mine)
So, she moved her 'mixed race children'( her description not mine) to an area which is predominantly white, with a smattering of other ethnicities here and there for good measure.
What was interesting was that she described Ilford as becoming ghettoized due to the large number of Asians and Muslims who had migrated there.
I asked her why she described a predominantly muslim area as a ghetto, and she smiled.
I asked her why she didn't feel as strongly about predominant jewish areas such as parts of stamford hill ( she herself being jewish)
She explained she didn't like the idea of the cultural silos that existed in London, regardless of which ethnic culture that may be
Back to her description of a predominantly Muslim area as being a ghetto, I asked her why she didn't describe predominantly white areas as ghettoes, rather, the description often assigned, is gentrified, (unless you're from up north) :-) (sorry)
I was playing with her but I wanted to make a point.
The point I want to make here is that whist some may argue that the cluttering of our pavements and displays of togetherness are healthy, I'm going to argue that they are not.
I see little difference to a tom cat spraying his territory.
These emerging displays are little more that an attempt at marking ones territory, reclaiming an identity and saying.. here we are. Well , ok.... and hi
If however, these displays were overtly non white , there would be an issue.
The women would be told their clothes are an eyesore, and neighbours would complain that the displays are bringing down house prices, and turning the place into an undesirable dump.
These ever-shifting goal posts
I remember when the sight of clothes hung in front yards was considered tasteless - symbolic of poverty (for some), with Tower Hamlets often in the headlines as one of London's poorest boroughs, and prime offender.
Yet now... apparently, it's cool to do it.
Hackney is an interesting place.
Yet like it or not, we do have an emerging group, who are determined to 'bring the place down with this wanton behaviour'. seriously...
Take your shit inside and keep the pavement clear
have you even got a licence to trade?
lol!!.. I jest of course
In all fairness, I personally don't care who wants to sell what, but I find it useful to point out the hypocrisy to those who remain unclear
Nigel Farage and co really did unearth something ( perhaps something dormant) within many people
Quote - Tower Hamlets is, at the same time, one of the richest and one of the poorest parts of Britain. It has the highest rate of child poverty in the country and yet the average salary of those who work in the borough is £58,000, the second highest in the UK after the City of London. This is a place where many kids sleep six to a room yet the borough has an economy worth more than £6bn a year, higher than places such as Malta or Monaco. We were told by the Thatcherites of the 80s that wealth would trickle down."[Source]
It's my birthday week
I had planned to get away for my birthday but it has to hang on :-( coz here I am, time crept up on me, along with his mates, I- need- and attention.
Still, I aim to enjoy it, both myself and my daughter as you know celebrate ( loosely speaking) on the same day
perhaps I will mark it in the way Ti did and have a BBQ
Only thing with that is... I end up doing all the cooking, so I may have to give it some thought.
Why did 6 items that have for a year or two cost me approx £15 become £30 overnight?
Doubling of prices on best selling goods.... why such a heavy retail sales mark up
taking the ***
Things we endure for 'maintenance'
Yep... still grateful
I'm loving Tiwa's album
Been my Sunday soundtrack
I've been able to catch up on my favourite things this weekend, having been without my trusted laptop all week..
Feels so good x
Hackney One Carnival 2017.
..Gets better every year
Congrats to all the women and men dressed in their carnival costumes, they looked fabulous. Stationed at the judging area, they gave their best (despite the chill) to the crowds and judges alike.
However, the real fire was further on down the road away from the judges, where the floats really did their thing for the crowd alone
Ahhh..Pantonic, of all Steel Bands you are emerging as my favourite. Simply cool, they don't miss a beat.... outstanding band. Seriously... do you know just how much I love them?
The compare for the day summarised the themes well
Among the troops representing well were the Ghana and Gambia contingent
Nice to see the Para troop there, and some elders from St Josephs Hospice on their own Bus, representing well also, I hope they enjoyed the day x.
It was a cultural affair, a very inclusive affair, and fun.
Hackney's largest street festival, and largest cultural festival, opened with a few words from the Mayor.
and that... marks the end of Carnival season until next year...
A Friday night chilling and enjoying a few tunes before bed.
This track is particularly nice.
I'm missing Ghana actually, late night drives sweet music warm air and freedom. You simply can't beat it.
Lots to do this weekend, a full day scheduled for tomorrow as I work on a few pressing things
My days have been hectic, but as Ti says keep pushing on, just keep pushing on...
Complete enough tasks then it's all roads to Hackney Carnival
East London... set your dial to enjoy..
Government & Governance
Key to stability in Africa is good governance, education, and civil involvement.
This was an interesting read
An ongoing area of concern is perhaps what's known as Africa's brain drain. Are there really more educated africans living outside of Africa than within?.
Yet... many do return.
In Ghana many teachers who complete Teacher Training are assigned a school almost immediately, but it's changing, and there are challenges.
Limited resources in some areas, and stagnation wages are a source of frustration.
Despite this, Teachers remain passionate and committed
It's worth remembering that most, if not all African leaders were educated abroad. They return with the skills and knowledge that could totally transform their countries, yet something happens.
Sure, there are numerous factors which they must consider. Culture and traditional beliefs being two..as they remain extremely powerful, and are to be respected.
It's a juggling act, but one which they must and can get right... eventually.
Do you ever think about the impact you have on others?
Everyone has a calling on their life, a point, a purpose, a role.
We don't always know what it is
Blessed are they who find it
We are not defined by our successes or failures..
But how we handle both can leave its mark
A quote I like is: 'To the world you may be one person.. but to one person.. you may just be the world..'
If you touch one person.. in a positive way. you are doing well
The weekend started early with a BBQ on Friday night.
Ti the birthday boy turned 24. The 24 years have simply flown by.
I was up really early to prep the Jollof, bake a cake, then go to work, come home then clean season and cook fish, and the rest.
As fast the fish was ready, is as fast as it went, the escovitch had no where to go!
They had fun.
Nice to see them get together.
We all enjoyed the evening, and the food was good.
I had to relinquish control of the decks, my lot were convinced they'd get pure afrobeats and reggae, but to be honest they missed out.. surely they know how diverse my selection can be?!
To be fair, Afrobeats would have dominated.
This interview got quite deep, interviewer or researcher?
I think she forgot for a moment he's an artist not a politician. Anyway....
Music mode..
A nice video to accompany a Nice song
Pembury Estate in London has evolved.
Pembury Circus and the partial re-development of Pembury Estate is reported to be valued at £50million.
I walked though the estate recently for no other reason other than to take a shortcut to catch a bus and for the 1st time, I was struck by the surroundings.
As regeneration projects go, it would be fair (currently) to cite Pembury Circus as a positive example. Wonderful use of open spaces, a vibrant Community Centre with services that cater to people of all ages, and a Cafe of which the running of it has been actively targeted at local residents.
It's £50 million, but you see (and feel) the change.
Unlike the regeneration of Woodberry Down (also in London) Pembury Circus did not struggle to get the buy in of local people. The Community Centre has been a hit right from the start, which may be a result of the consultation and or involvement of local people, perhaps, but ultimately they both make interesting case studies.
Some people will argue that a sense of community cannot be manufactured.
But it can.
When you consider what can be done, I began to wonder how a similar development could work in a place like Sierra Leone.
I considered for a moment the recent floods and the aid donated.
A much longer analysis would be needed, but what continues to emerge is that it's important to remain aware of the fact that many aid packages received will be to the 'value of', and not necesarily monetary.
Aid which is monetary tends to come with 'guidelines' regarding what the money can be spent on, and with whom the aid can be spent.
I wonder therefore, if the government could amass £50million ( for example) and targeted a specific area, of the amazing changes that could be seen in a relatively short period of time.
If, as it's often suggested corruption is the cause for slow rate of development, it really would be a disgrace.
I wonder what would happen if the people boycotted any upcoming election, and simply refused to vote until big changes are made.
They'd never do it, but the thought did cross my mind.
Q. Why would the people not make a stand like that?.
a1. Police have guns
a2. Seduction of politicians
a3. PTSD. ( Post traumatic stress disorder)
Music mode..
Do you think that African Presidents should continue to take foreign medical trips?, especially if health care in their own countries are in need of development?
It's a conversation, brought to the fore recently with `President Buhari's 100 days away from Nigeria, (as he received treatment here in the UK).
There is no doubt that development should remain high on the agenda when it comes to global health care, but I'm also starting to see another side of it.
I believe it's entirely possible that President Buhari et al prefer to travel abroad for health care not just because they believe their own doctors are incapable, rather they would prefer that their diagnosis remains a private affair, and the treatment they are receiving is not 'leaked' to the public. ( which it would be)
Trust. I believe is a factor... again.
If opponents of President Buhari knew what his ailment was, or is, do you not feel they would use it against him in some way?
What about the impressionable minds of the public ( those who have impressionable minds that is)
They could be easily swayed, and any loyalty erased should they feel it a waste of time
Q: Dawna...Are you suggesting that confidentiality cannot be respected in Nigeria among the professional classes?
A: There is a recession, and even without it.. people can be bought for the right price.
Cartoon: Damien Glez
Kenya's not quite yet re-elected President - Uhuru Kenyatta
The Kenyan Supreme Court annulled the results of the Kenyan election, and as a result a new election must be called within 60 days. Wow!, well...that's a 1st.
Uhuru must be fuming, but he's masking it well... ish...
He can be annoying, but I can't get mad at him. Too cute, and Odinga..... well...
btw, why do I get the impression that a vote for Odinga would in reality be a vote for someone else...
The sons of Kenya's 1st President and Vice President continue to vie for Power. Perhaps Kenya needs a break from both 'families'.
Perhaps it should have been annulled as soon as the senior election official was killed.
Hello and welcome September x Don't separate Nigeria, we prefer your weird arse's together. ( as together as you're ever gonna be that is)