Tuesday 15 November 2011

Racism, may be seriously bad for your health..

At the moment, no one is able to tell me why being of African or Caribbean origin makes a person more prone to high blood pressure ( As stated again in this article) It's actually listed as a 'factor' alongside smoking, or high salt intake (how odd).. no really.. it is!.. see

So.. being of African Caribbean origin is as bad for your health as smoking? lol I jest of course, but until someone else can give me a scientific explanation based on real analysis ( Chilled, you're the scientist .. what say you??) I'll propose a theory.

Stress, and long term anxiety triggered by a result of prolonged discrimination/racism,etc.. and even the suppression/internalisation of anger... may actually be at the root of the problem.. no?

Okay.. here's the thing..
I know people with HBP.. who grew up eating a very healthy diet in the Caribbean.. continued to eat a very healthy diet here.. 5 a day? all standard stuff.. natural, ital 'n' vital ( if you get my drift) so... what gives?

There doesn't appear to be much information available on the physical effects of being subjected to prolonged racist or discriminatory behaviours.. but it may just be possible that .. those 'little' incidents that Caribbean/African people experience on a daily basis may in fact be killing us... consistently reducing the life expectancy of what would otherwise be .. fairly healthy people....

So.. some people really should come with a health warning!!.. (or carry a card that says .. prolonged exposure to me may cause sickness).. yeah still kidding.. but.. hmmmmm

Hey, if that be the case.. maybe racism should also be listed as a factor.. as it's not necessarily being BME that's the issue.. the issue is.. what you are then subjected to in the course of your life as a result.. yeah.. that'll do you in!!

and... on that cheery note..

Who's looking forward to the Christmas holidays??:)...
Just bought a nice red table cloth:)
Bring it on.......................


  1. The article has some valid points but I may have to agree with your prognosis that..Stress, and long term anxiety can be a trigger due to racism very TRUE!!!...

    I don't know all the scientific facts but from extensive research, STRESS is the biggest killer even at a tender age of 35 I know about a guy that died of a heart attack. I often think genetic predisposition has a lot to do with this root cause as well.

    My grandmother died of a stroke, my mother developed high blood pressure in her early fourties, so for me thats alarm bells....it's in my family so what now, take as much precaution as is needed to do all that is considered the RIGHT things (exercise, eat well not stress too much but enjoy life, even too much of that can have it's pitfalls)to sustain a healthy heart!!!

    But then I look at the way we live as a community....and find we are not chilled at all!!!. Take an average white middle class couple in their late sixties probably retired home in spain where they can jet off to for respite every so often.....

    Then compare with a middle class black couple still working their butts off....oh yes why they have extended family to consider even those called DISTANT relatives want something.

    That takes away from relaxation and hence a holiday is not a necessity but becomes a real LUXURY!!!! This is a situation laden with ampule STRESS!!

    My theory may be completely wrong but thats the pattern I often observe!!!!

  2. ital 'n' vital lol! liked that, gotta use it

    I would say long term exposure to racism, alienation in a place some call "home" and poverty is a root cause. As Chilled pointed out (unreasonable) expectations from life is also a problem. Its like we create a lot of our own issues

    At 72 my dad's still grinding like he's got something to prove hence blood pressure and type II diabetes. We've left home years ago so why is he killing himself still working? Its just him and my mums. When I confront him with taking a chill pill he goes into one "I doing this thing back in Nigeria blah blah blah don't tell me what to do or think". I look around and there are legion of black families that subscribe to his sentiments. why?

    Some part of me gets it, how one might look towards "home" and what they send back there as a measure of their success abroad. But two jobs, constantly stressed with HBP, and working all hours under the sun? come on! If you go places like Peckham and Deptford you see a lot of second-gen Nigerian kids on road, their parents "working" with no idea what the youth are up to. You begin to see how this cycle of dis-functionality in the youth starts.

    Holidays? most of us don't know what that concept means. I had a friend go "what for?" when I mentioned going Egypt, like I'd lost my mind.

  3. Not really good enough to say being of African/Caribbean origin pre-disposes one to HBP followed by… “but we don’t know why?”

    Think you’ve hit on good reason for a full on Clinical study to provide an answer there Dawna – researchers at Kings College take note!

  4. The story is all too common Chrome.. i feel I know that picture well.. I love the fact that our 'elders' have a strong work ethic.. and I think that has helped them 'survive'.. but it can become counterproductive..
    they need to learn to chill.............. enjoy ( if they can) the fruits of thier labour.. reality is though.. many labour , for years, and don't see any fruits..

    Do you think the retirement age here will hit the 70s?

    The Irony is.. I think our parents diets has made them strong enough to cope over the years, push on.. through bad times and good..
    Do you think the generation under us ( with all the fast food/chicken and chips they eat) will be as strong?... I would hope so, but with the claim of rising obesity it's hard to see how.....

    Yes Grogan I would love that.. when you think about it.. adults, who grew up on a healthy diet, who know and understand fresh food, how to 'grow' food...being 're-educated' on how to eat.. when that same diet back in the carribean/africa served them well makes no sense to me...

    I understand we all need to reduce our salt sugar etc, reduce the fat used ( at times) In cooking, but that's all of us no?..

    There has to be a reason..being African.Caribbean as you said... not enough..
