Friday, 8 June 2012

Tempted to trust

When people feel listened to, cared for, they talk.
The defences go down, and honesty feels like, and actually is, the most natural thing in the world.
(You see it in action during some of the most skilled interviewers with people who are well known or famous in their field.)

When this ‘state’ is shared, it can be a powerful thing, and open the door to so much wonderful experiences.
When it is unequal, it is open to abuse.

Yet by its very nature, one act of trust will always precede another.. in a word. Someone always has to go first.
Scary right?.. doubt kicks in as you wonder if this person is a kindred spirit.. Trustworthy, or if they will see it as an ‘ah ha ‘moment whilst rubbing their hands together with glee plotting to ‘get ya
Sounds funny huh, but if there were an animation to show how and why we’re reluctant to trust .. it may just look something like that.
And to be fair. People have stories to tell

I remember back in the day I had a close friend. It was a closed shop, and as a result that ‘friendship’ could never, and would have never lasted. I just noticed it one day, and then inside began to question to authenticity of the friendship.
Out and about I have found people willing to talk, sometimes, desperate to talk.. to someone who actually gives a damn.
I like to listen as I learn a great deal from them, and I enjoy their stories.
I feel their pain and it helps to keep me humble.

This illusion of advanced communication we have via smart phones, internet, and the like has almost disabled our ability to truly communicate.
Apparently it’s worse in big cities.

1 comment:

  1. Trust should come with a grading for it sucks when people let you down..
