Sunday, 2 October 2011

Thought of the day..

Do gay men fret, worry and complain about the same things us men dating women do?, or, do they(as men) understand men, better?
Does a man act differently towards a man, than he would to a woman, because he's another man (not because he's gay)
If so, I would love a G,B.F (gay best friend)
I have a feeling my understanding of men would go through the roof:)

Maybe though, they're just as confused as we are!!.. and if so, that would scupper that plan:Dx


  1. years ago a gay friend grabbed my ear to moan about his boyfriend. my smile grew as he complained till I burst out laughing. After our laughing fit had passed he asked what was so funny and I told him "damn boy! moaner or what? you're just like a woman!". The gay men are as terrible as you ladies :~) you'll gain not one jot of new insight from them

  2. ..and that puts paid to that plan lol :)
