Monday, 23 September 2013

Evening all..

Bonsoir :)
Comment allez vous?
Je vais bien merci!
Et vous?
Vous allez bien?
Lundi?.. com se com sa
il est huit heures.. and something.. blah

I'd love to say more about my day in French.. but that's about it really :(
wouldn't get too far in France on that..

Busy day as per. Dinner was nice.. Sunday dinner tends to be a treat on Monday
Imagine.. if I cook enough tomorrow, that would take care of Weds
but if I cook now , I wouldn't have to cook tomorrow
But I wont be doing that
I've an article to read, and a bit of practice to do (which I actually find quite relaxing)
Anyway..a tout a l'heure! ( needed my notes for that. forgot how to say bye!)