Monday 5 August 2013

Does Maslow's' Hierarchy of needs' still matter?

Answer: Yes. I think so

I do think that many of us need to have certain needs met in order to fully move forward to the next stage. In order to focus on anything other than our most basic needs.. they must be met.
But it's not ironclad.
People fluctuate.. go up and down the ladder at various stages in their lives
Needs change.. they can be met.. then unmet.


Overhearing a discussion in the shop fueled a thought today.

When you're desperate you don't think so much about your rights.. you're even less likely to think about what's right
Desperation is exploitable
and for some a useful, and valuable commodity

Rights.. for some.. may seem like a luxury they cannot afford.
Food, clothes, Shelter
A job, a home, safety
Desperation is never a choice
It's an outcome

Everyone has basic needs, and everyone has a right to have those needs met.
Yet many differ, in what they regard as a basic need

For many people now.. the internet has become a basic need, and with most employers expecting employees to be computer literate.. It's understandable for it to be regarded in this way. As society changes, so do our basic needs

Or do they?
we can survive without a computer.;. we cannot survive without food.


  1. "Desperation is exploitable and for some a useful, and valuable commodity" -- yes, you're right. That's why hunger, war and poverty are created and exploited by the wealthy and powerful for their own purposes.

  2. Last year did a week without the Internets. Liberating but saw how much it has infused everything.

    Delibrate desperation created to keep us unequal and divided. Vampire squid theorem

  3. Everyone has basic needs, and everyone has a right to have those needs met.
    Yet many differ, in what they regard as a basic need

    True. I love the Maslow quote.
