Sunday, 20 January 2013

'Africa states' - pretty pictures.

British US Chinese corporations in 'Africa'

Debt repayments, foreign 'aid', corruption and greed of elites, my question is.. is 'Africa' in a worst state than ever before?.

Chinese business and military presence in Africa

Aid really isn't 'aid', but a never ending ongoing dependency..and I fear a piggy bank for the greedy to do as they please, cars and homes, cash rich but soul poor.
Neocolonialism has 'Africa' in it's grip.
Colonial 'Africa'fighting for sovereignty...and it suits some people just fine.. inside .. and outside of the continent

With ongoing conflicts in troubled regions, our eyes turn to those who are harmed.. to the war itself. Our eyes become blurred to the economic war, the unequal business deals, the corruption and morally defunct ideology that renders a people poor, jobless, homeless, or landless, in the name of a free market.. neolibralism.


  1. that is one deep picture and i've seen the bare facts laid out like that before. a cpl of weeks ago i listened to a very cynical debate on the 11.5 or so billon 2013 foreign aid budget to be set aside for third world countries. a few callers rightly argued that Africa had enough mineral deposits to trade her way out of debt in one economic cycle. the mineral reserves and their amount was astounding and you think why cant trade fix this. but when you consider that India still recieves foreign aid you start that the whole aid thing is an extremely cynical exploit that will be recouped many folds. in essence a bribe of sorts and the people on the ground will never benefit. does Africa need this money? capital N.O. last year an audit was carried out in the nigerian oil sector and over $5 billion was unaccounted for, and this was in 2011 alone!!! this is considering that there is no indeginous oil firm involved in the operations. of course the Shells and BPs refused to publish their Nigerian accounts - contractual obligations. my foot. the corruption by the elites and the foreign collusions in mind boggling and this is replicated across the continent. those who dont play ball (gaddafi et al) get taken out via 'regime change.

    what is the solution? barrel of the gun doesnt seem logical. what else?

  2. Charities and NGO's have a vested interest in Africa remaining dependant also.
    Hmm I dunno..barrel of a gun seems very logical to me. At least, I can see it's appeal. Like it or not.
    Sadly the fighting is patchy, regional, unclear, often undignified.. and so far removed from the cause it's unreal.
    Its not a combined effort. In some cases it's land, others religion, others, past grievances...who knows.. something to do for food and water?
    Do these international companies even pay tax.. legitimately?, I think 'Africa' etc need an independent body to sort their finances, governance, and get some order back. Fair international agreements committed to stopping this nonsense... there's enough for all to go round.
    Who are these greedy bastards?.
    The state of play puts people off visiting. Looking at Nigeria for a minute, I'm not Nigerian, but skilled Nigerians here may shudder at going back. Either that. or may simply think up ways to get a piece of the already corrupt pie.
    I'm glad I don't live there.
    Will the people rise up? maybe.
    Great minds are working on the answers I'm sure. Hope a solution comes soon
    All very interesting

  3. .. conditions attached to Aid etc

  4. Mother Africa is still having her resources raped by outsiders.

  5. It would be nice if things improved there Reggie.
