Thursday, 17 January 2013

Weight - watcher

I have eaten so much today it's almost unreal.

A large Caribbean lunch, rice n peas, fish, pattie, choccy biscuits, tea...
You know why?
The weather..
It's cold.
The weather is sooo cold, and I have a lot on.. mentally.

The harder I think or study, the hungrier I get.
But it's not constant. I have these odd spurts every now and then, and thankfully, the walking will burn off those extra calories.

I'm not really a weight watcher though
Never have been, never will be.
But I am aware of what I put in my mouth .. food wise.. every wise.

I don't think I'll be having dinner tonight..
A light snack if anything

I'm full.


  1. :~) at least you don't have to worry about mistakenly eating Horse meat
