Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Lioness... roarrrrrrrr:).. or is it a Tiger?..

Never too old I guess :)
Thank youx


  1. Really?!?

    Still it's kinda cute.

  2. Hmmm maybe you're right lol..
    my son bought it.. it's cute.. it's a little cub in it's mouth errrr okay... i'll stop now.

  3. This is so sweet I was afraid to open my mouth, just so I wouldn't get any cavaties.

  4. lol there's a part of me that thinks maybe my son thinks that if he covers my bed with enough cuddly toys I wont need a man in it!!lol... that's the freudian interpretation...

    No!!! not gonna work
    i'm kidding... really I am :)... it's the best prezzy ever!!... he also cooked dinner
    Still... downstairs they all go lol...

  5. Boys don't ever like seeing anyone in their mother's bed....with the exception of THEIR father.
