Why is it, that for a nation who loves football as much as we appear to, anytime I see a clip of a match featuring England's female football team the stall/stands are half empty?
Do men not enjoy women's football?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I have a feeling that despite their recent defeat they actually win more games than the guys.. so they may even be the BEST national team we have!!
Is the fact that they don't receive the same or even similar kudos, further evidence that sexism will never leave us?!?
Why do married women who have separated from their husbands, or women who husbands have long left for *whatever reason, still wear their wedding ring?!?

is it further proof that we live in a sexist nation where a woman's status is immediately (oddly) elevated once married, or shock horror, further evidence that we live in a society that still simmers with rage at the thought of an unmarried woman having sex?
What's up people?
'Ballers'..'married' women.. talk to me.. I don't bite :0
*flighty reasons only.. widows not included
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