Monday 28 May 2018

Home Cooking is Best!

Woohoo! Bank Holiday!!

My daughter and partner are coming for dinner so I know the food will be eaten in no time, with content
We don't get to hang out so much, what with everyone being busy so a day off from the slave trade, sorry I mean the rat race, is a welcome one :)

The sun's shining, some sweet reggae music playing, food cooking, flowers in bloom
I'm so grateful

I haven't actually done too much today.
Found unexpected cash in my pocket so went and bought a few essentials, cooked too much rice and peas for the pot so it's now spilling over!, have prepped all my veg and about to finish that up.

As I mentioned, a bit too much rice for the pot..see?

I've been taking a keen interest in food actually. the science of it anyway. watching a few documentaries which are very educational, and is making a lot of sense to me right now.

A few weeks ago I was so dizzy I actually had to go to the hospital. I was seriously unwell, I couldn't walk a straight line, nauseous to the max.
It turned out that out in addition to being anaemic, I had slight ear infection, which was made better in hours. My trip to the hospital was after 3 trips to the doctor/s to be given pretty much the same drug in various guises which didn't work.
The doctor at the hospital was Asian, and looked at me as though to say, 'stop fretting you big baby, you will be fine.. just do this!'
I did what he said, which involved no drugs, and hey presto I was able to walk a straight line again.

The episode highlighted to me the importance of staying away from stress as much as possible, that homeopathic treatments are often more effective, and that ethnic minorities tend to understand what our bodies need in a very different way.

Anyway, back to cooking...

I learnt to cook from my mum. She didn't actually sit me down that I can remember, but I enjoyed watching her in the kitchen, as the food always tasted amazing.

I also enjoyed watching her bake.
As a child we ate a balanced diet.
I eliminated meat and fish from my diet, when I was 16, then resumed fish in my late 20's. Food and African Caribbean spirituality go hand in hand. A source of enegery that should be treated with respect.
That's just one reason I simply cannot and will not eat at Chinese food restaurants or take aways, I need to be able to trust what I'm eating, and that it has been cooked cleanly with love, and .. to be honest, that it's actually food I'm eating.
Eating out can be bit like 'Russian roulette'

I am convinced that some food suit me well, whilst others simply do not.
The Caribbean diet in particular has undergone much scrutiny in recent times, and has been cited by some doctors to be the cause of ailments such as diabetes and high blood pressure, so much so that it's now believed among us that our food is killing us!.

Permit me to wade in on that for a moment

It's not your food that's killing you...'s the system.
It's oppression , discrimination and the racism you face, the frustration you feel at your seeming inability to do anything significant about it, your yearning for justice in the face of injustice
Think about it

How can your food be killing you when in the Caribbean it's not uncommon to live well beyond 100?

My own grandmother was 100+,

Yams, green banana , fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh fish, are staple foods
Food is hand cultivated, hand reared, no preservatives, no chemicals. It's in the ground, the soil, on the trees, in the yard ( if you eat meat)
It's in the West that we suffer.
and it really isn't anything to do with our food.
yet if you want to play 'devils advocate'...even if......

Over drinking, over eating, over seasoning , are all symptoms of a stressful lifestyle. Don't let the system fool you.
It's psychological warfare, propaganda, if you're not careful the system will kill you then say you committed suicide.

Home cooking is best.
Eat up your African Caribbean food people, you don't need to add salt, try not to over season, stay away from that unholy pork :)


This is one of my favourites outfits. It's so comfortable to wear . A lady made it for me in Ghana. Just s few hours wait, and bingo, fits like a glove.
I think it's very pretty.

I absolutely love this track!
Beautiful Intro Chronixx

Have a great day x

Saturday 26 May 2018

Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini

EFF Rally on Africa Day

Malema speaks at 53:36 ( approx) mixed sound quality

Glide like this.. :)

Weekend WOW Factor: Ubuntu

Slept in.
Got work tonight so just taking it easy today. Fortunately my cold is easing up now, and I didn't need whisky as was recommended.

Fancy a make over but decided just to do the usual maintenance which will suffice.

This is an odd time in some ways. I've spent my working life in the area of developing communities yet I've seen much of that work corroded over the years, partly due to changes in policy, government priorities and funding.
What's frustrating is that work is still needed.
But has society moved too far away from that now?
There is an odd irony in that community development is an inclusive theory built on the notion that if you help others to do well in their lives, you impact not only on an individual, but their families, neighbours, community, society and ultimately the nation.

Exclusion paves the way for isolation, frustration and resentment, a fear of the other, discrimination and prejudice.

At best we exist in silos, at worst intolerance.
The irony is that we now have in place a policy to combat extremism; the end result of fractured communities. A policy that treats the symptom, but not the cause.

Lets continue to ask the right questions in the hope we get the right answers.
Yet know that those answers may never come.
So perhaps instead of waiting for a leader who will take us there, we must now realise that only we.. can take ourselves there.


I love my nation

Yesterday was Africa day.

I truly believe that despite the issues on the continent, Africa has the potential to lead the world for the betterment of all.
The world should really honour the continent for all it has made possible. Not exploit it, but cherish it. ( snd it's people)


Have a great day x

Thursday 24 May 2018

The Father of Pan Africanism

Henry Sylvester Williams
Born on the Caribbean Island of Trinidad, and the 1st man to ever coin the phrase Pan African, an ideology and movement which led to the 'liberation of country after African country.

Wiliams was the 1st black councillor in Westminster, a barrister by profession, and is often the forgotten hero of the Pan African movement.
An ideology as influencial as the work Marxism, yet not many think of this man, when we think of African liberation, and the liberation of African people at home and abroad.

Whilst Kwame Nkruma became the darling of Pan Africanism ( for awhile) is was this man, a man who organised the 1st ever Pan African conference in London, who galvanised the political elite and moved people into action, that could easily be cited as the true darling of the movement.

Artists writers and musicians not withstanding.

Perhaps before we celebrate Marx, who failed to factor in race into his ideology
a man who believed in the inherent good in people to move them to do the right thing without state intervention (how's that working out?)
let's remember Williams.
A man whose ideas still resonate today.


Feeling rough with a cold, but will try to blog throughout.
A litte music to sweeten the vibes, raise the temperature, and banish the cold

Wonderful track

Saturday 19 May 2018

Royal Wedding Day: Harry & Megan

Congratulations to the happy couple, and what a lovely wedding it was
The sun shone and Windsor was a beautiful backdrop.

Princes William and Harry looked handsome as usual in their uniforms.. and very tall

I hadn't realised just how much Megan looked like her mother.

I noticed that her mother was alone. Megan walked down the aisle alone ( until Prince Charles stepped in for the final few yards.

What is it about black women and having to do things alone?

Her mother looked beautiful and composed, only god knows what she may have been thinking but at times her mother seemed to fight back tears.

Hackney's own Rev Rose spoke well as always

Thank god Elton John and his dancing eyebrows didn't decide on another revamped version of 'Norma Jean'
no disrespect, but he would have had the world in tears!

It would appear that Megan M has picked a good one. ( perhaps unlike her mother) We all make mistakes and I'm sure she learnt a great deal about marriage, from her ending of her 1st marriage.

I loved it. The pomp and ceremony
the love, the romance...
it was simple, classy, and beautiful

But before 'black fb' gets carried away though, ( with dreams of a Black Princess in the Royal family) it's important to remember that Megan is mixed race.
The media focus on her white family despite seemingly dysfunctional told a story in itself, rather it begged the question, why was that more tolerable for them, than to engage with, or seek, the black members of her family?. Where were they???

Princes Harry & William have grown up in different times.
A time when Beyonce is Queen, Oprah a High Priestess, and Serena Williams the worlds greatest sportswoman.
A time when black feminine beauty and allure has enjoyed some of the spotlight, and stereotypes exposed as fallacies.

They have grown up in an ethnically diverse UK, where despite their 'privilege' they know it's not ok, to treat others unfairly because of their race or gender and not expect to be called out on it.
As a result, they too may be 'different'

I'm not a royalist, and I understand the wedding has cost the British taxpayer over £34 million [click] which I guess a relatively small fraction of the UK budget but nevertheless £34.000000.

Megan Markle is beautiful and to her credit socially aware, and long may that last.
Took Harry months to pop the question... so many men with long term girlfriends may feel a bit exposed today
Married in a year.
Yes, A year is long enough to know.
A lovely couple , and may they be very happy together
All very sweet.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Rewind : Joe Acoustic

..and here's why Joe remains my No1 rnb singer, after all these years

I first posted this a few years back.. still as sweet as ever right?


Monday 7 May 2018

Cool it. Nigerians are not Lazy

Sheltering from the sun
I spent more time on work than I planned that I actually need headache tabs lol!.

It has been a nice day,
I had a wonderful day yesterday also catching up with the proprietor of my local laundromat, talked about his home town in Nigeria, and the differing temperaments of the average Ghanian, nice and easy. I respect him greatly , hard working man, built his business up and despite the difficulties has managed to keep it going.
He always encourages me also, as he has known me about 20yrs, when my babies were babies, and he was my regular cab driver.
Since he's known me he tells me I've always worked.
Can you imagine if I too, had been working for myself?
I guess at the time I had a different focus.

For some reason I tend to keep an eye on the IPOB movement, they have a way with words for sure.

Who will unite the people..

My sis

Stop telling youths they come from broken homes and deprived areas..

..Especially if those 'areas' are no longer considered deprived if YOU live there. No, they are at that point somehow, considered gentrified, If YOU are working white and middle class, perhaps have a small ( or large inheritance) and are definetly not white working class. That's when investors feel happy and safe to invest right?

So wrong.

The media demonised women and families for so long that too many children actually feel broken. It's a simple equation, if you come from a broken home you must be broken right?
So wrong
Well what of our two lovely Princes, Harry and William, both from a so called 'broken home' which no-one would dream of calling broken, but why?

The problems we ae seeing on our streets are complex, yet issues of race class and culture and the demonisations of a group of people are not far from the surface.

A woman with children separated from the father for whatever reason, manages a HOME. Not a broken home, simply put, a home.

She may choose to date again and at some point a man will once again provide the masculine energy and guidance she perhaps seeks, bringing more love and support, but women, in the main, make a house a home

We really have to become a little more open minded about love sex marriage and family.
About women men and how we relate.
About community
A bit more honest about race class and culture
A bit more honest about the lack of opportunity granted for too many black boys in particular in comparison to white

Minority cultures have to protect themselves from dominant cultures if that dominant culture means them little or no good, or has a skewed and negative impression of who they are.

Know thy self, has never been more relevant
Heal thy self never more needed

Fally - Posa


Na bomba yo bien na motema
I keep you on my heart
Na lela yo neti damage
I love you like food
Ya ya ngai na yo kaka pour le meilleur et le pire té
Between us is just for the best and never for the worst

Moto mobimba ozanga défaut, banda linzaka ti na suki
A human being without flaws, from nail to your hair
Polisa nga'ngo ndeti pondu eeeh
Put water on it like cassava leaves
Mais kasi belela ngai pe ndeti bonbon eh
But call for me like sweet
Tala ngai ndenge na lingaka
Look at me the way I like
Kanga ngai maboko na monoko
Tie my hands and my mouth
Tala ngai ndenge na lingaka
Look at me the way I like
Kanga ngai maboko na monoko
Tie my hands and my mouth
Posa, O pesaka nga ba posa
Feels, you give those feels
A pesa toujours ngai posa
She always gives me feels
O pesaka nga ba posa
You give me those feels
Oh pesa toujours ngai posa
Oh always give feels
Posa, posa, posa, posa
feels, feels, feels, feels
Posa, posa, posa, posa
feels, feels, feels, feels
O pesaka ngai ba posa
You give me those feels
A pesa toujours ngai posa
She always gives me feels
A pesa toujours
She always gives
Na bomba yo bien na motema
I keep you on my heart

A pesa toujours ngai posa

Na lela yo neti damage
I love you like food
Ya ya ngai na yo kaka pour le meilleur et le pire té
Between us is just for the best and never for the worst
Moto mobimba ozanga défaut, banda linzaka ti na suki
A human being without flaws, from nail to your hair
Tala ngai ndenge na lingaka
Look at me the way I like
Kanga ngai maboko na monoko
Tie my hands and my mouth
Tala ngai ndenge na lingaka
Look at me the way I like
Kanga ngai maboko na monoko
Tie my hands and my mouth
Posa, O pesaka nga ba posa
Feels, you give those feels
A pesa toujours ngai posa
She always gives me feels
O pesaka nga ba posa
You give me those feels
Oh pesa toujours ngai posa
Oh always give feels
Posa, posa, posa, posa
feels, feels, feels, feels
Posa, posa, posa, posa
feels, feels, feels, feels
O pesaka ngai ba posa
You give me those feels
A pesa toujours ngai posa
She always gives me feels
A pesa toujours
She always gives
Posa leeeee
To bina na se maman
Let dance on the floor
Se maman
On the floor
Se mama (Epasuka)
On the floor
To bina posa leeee
Let dance those feels

Writer(s): Falli Ipupa N. Simba, Olivier Lesnicki, Junior Bula Monga

Music, Nature & Politics

Bank Holiday Monday!
more sun , more good food, more nature, may god keep the blessings coming!

I have a few tasks to complete, so currently it's form vs the sun, but I've decided to have both and complete pretty much outside. Wrap that up as soon as possible, although I do not feel rushed at all.

Congratulations to Simi for winning album of the year at this years Headies awards ceremony

It's a great album so check it out when you can

This is my favourite track off the album. It grew on me :)

Ive never worn these earrings before despite having them a few years. They're actually kinda cute in the sun don't you think?

I've watched this twice now and it's an impressive interview actually

For more information on Kingsley Moghalu [click]

Sunday 6 May 2018

Weekend WOW Factor: Sierra Leone's National Cleaning Day

Yesterday the people of Sierra Leone participated in their 1st National Cleaning Day

I think it's just great. Such a simple yet effective act.
I made mention of it once when walking along what could be a very beautiful beach. Beautiful but for the rubbish strewn along the beach by residents.

So I'm very glad the new president is galvanising people to tale pride in where they live, and showing them that they too can make a difference
The need for hygiene and cleanliness was highlighted greatly during the days weeks and months of the spread of Ebola
President Bio has started well.
The kind of Leadership that Nigeria had hoped for perhaps...
It's wonderful to see the people working together like this

The Windrush Scandal really put into focus the ideas of nationhood, home and belonging
Many Caribbean's do consider the UK as home, but when they travel 'back's the Caribbean, they say they're going 'back home'
Freedom of movement is what they deserve. The rights to dual nationality, and as a result freedom of movement between home and 'home'.
Our windrush elders have done their bit for the country, more than enough, and we are grateful for their contributions. But the UK can never really be their home.

In fact, the Caribbean wasn't their 'home' either, they were taken there by force. Imagine that, twice removed from their country of origin, yet the UK who benefitted greatly from slavery and the labour of these individuals after the war, have the cheek to send some back.
Repatriating people on the sly. Without reparations.
How could those people really have been denied passports?, considering some served in the British army, it really is appalling,

When you love foreign but foreign no love you...


Saturday 5 May 2018

Sunny days in London

Its a beautiful sunny day. A bank holiday weekend here and a well deserved time to rest off.
My garden becons after being out of action throughout winter. Lots to do out here but once I get into it progress is quickly visible.

I'll take before and after pics so you'll see what I mean.

I actually need to pick up a few bits from the shops too, veggies. new make up, perfume that kind of thing, but funds are low so will see how it goes.

Getting some sounds on to further sweeten the mood
Have a lovely day whatever you're doing today