Saturday 31 January 2015

Iyanya ft Don Jazzy - Gift

Hope you've all had a nice day x

AU troops vs Boko Haram?

The African Union Summit recently endorsed the creation of a 7,500-member African force to fight the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram, UN chief Ban Ki-moon has backed the proposal.

To gather troops to fight the insurgents is a serious case of crisis management.
Yes, there is a crisis to be managed, but this approach seems to tackle the symptom, and not the cause.
Perhaps the real crisis is a crisis of leadership
A crisis of a historical wound left to fester.
Bad governance and corruption ( as simple as it sounds) will create more insurgents, not less, and you can't fight them all.
The AU need to take the causes very seriously indeed, and 'African leaders' really need to take responsibility for the state of thier countries and thier citizens, have an honest conversation about the frustrations that exist within their borders
Don't turn a blind eye

People who feel forgotten by thier leaders, will cling to anything that appears to offer a means to fight back.
People will have questions...ask the question - why?
Why is my life this way?
Is it my religion?
Is it my ethnicity?
My tribe?
My gender
Unfortunately, quite often... it is, at the very least... one of those
and that needs to change
Why do some get access to education and employment, and not others?

Rwanda didn't just happen, but when it did yes, we all wanted intervention to save the people afflicted.
Boko Haram hasn't just happened either.
Yet even if they didn't exist.. don't you think something else would take its place?
Where relevant, corrupt officials must stop stealing the peoples money
Governments must take care of the people
Manage investments, and ensure that foreign investors who stand to make billions.. also benefit the people
No one across Africa should ever go hungry
In fact, noone anywhere in the world should
Here in the UK we import and throw away so much food.

Whenever you hear about a new world order , be wary. It's not what it should be.

So.. bring on the troops huh.....
Well....AU troops at present do not have a great reputation.
Quite a few women have stories to tell
It should not be business as usual in 'Africa'
We need business as unusual
Actions taken with honesty decency credability, vision, love, transparency
If we don't get this right, we will continue to see an increasing number of people who are self serving, dishonest, manipulative, greedy , and opportunistic
People who are all too willing to rob others
We need people we can trust
People who care

How long will we continue to fight fire with fire?
How long will we continue to pour gasoline on flames and expect to put the flames out?
We have a growing African Elite, ( great) yet increasing poverty ( not so great) .
Government monies unaccounted for, and a general malaize and apathy towards real development
If it aint white it aint right .. for some African leaders.
Mugabe not included
We need to bury colonialism, address our mistakes, and give peace a chance.
Give Africa a chance, and give the African people a chance

Follow your passion

Thank God it's Saturday
It's been the kind of week I'm glad to see the back of to be honest, which isn't really a great thing to say I know , as that's my time willing away.
Still, I'm being honest.
I need some me time.

It will soon be my special month.
I'll be having my formal engagement in a few weeks, so believe me when I say that time is precious right now, and I'm actually a bit stressed trying to juggle work and life
despite the fact that I've done it for years.
This is different..
Life changing
..and not long now
Valentines day will be extra special this year

I met a lady yesterday who despite her engineering degree, jacked it in (working for others ) to run her own business,. ( and let me tell you.. she's is one talented woman!)
As I was leaving she said to me..... follow your passion
Do that which makes you happy
I didn't even ask her.. she just volunteered this info
She just told me her story

So I'll pay it forward.

Follow your passion
Follow your dreams
Don't give up on them
You can do anything
Your dream is possible
Don't allow others to manipulate you, crush your dreams, your potential or passion
Turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to those who have nothing helpful to offer you
To those who judge you unfairly or negatively
Learn at least 1 swear word
Use it ( even if just internally) to deal with bullshit.. and bullshiters
I like F *** U ( it's quick)
Sometimes.. i'll use..'What a D*** or F*** U you C***.
and I';m not even a swearer!
( and i'll have to cut that out altogether soon :))
But for now, it helps.
Give the 'enemy' no power to harm you
Show unbelievers the red card
just do you, to the best of your ability
If your situation does not facilitate that
Work on creating a new situation.. that will.

Happy Saturday!
Do your best x

Al jazeera Sport Matters - Too black to coach?

Black Footballers.
Here in the UK , there was a time when black footballers became a bit of a laughing stock.

For example, there was even a time where many used to question the strange phenomena of 'spot the black wife''
Aside from a tiny few, Ian wright being one ( at the time) we couldn't find one.
What was this strange cultural phenomena?
Self hate?
The answer has never been found.. or has it?

It is entirely possible that for many black players just getting selected is enough.
Let's face it, the sea of opportunity flows less often for some.
Getting selected therefore, is life changing, it's an income, a large income at that.. and who wouldn't be hugely grateful
Once in.. the aim is to STAY IN.

Perhaps they feel that they won't 'stay in' by 'rocking the boat', or by 'rolling up' with black wives, or ambitions of professional progression to the realm of football coach
or would they?
Perhaps they simply need the courage to try.
and the persistence to not give up

Racism in football is not new.
However, when players stay on the pitch when one of their black peers is racially abused.. they send a message.
The message is, .. do what you like. I'm conditioned to play..
I'm bought and paid for

It's the system.
Black players are not united, and lack the resources. African governance ( despite the wonderful guidance of people like Tony Blair and others like him) Is still slightly messy. ( Not Messi.. Messy)

Black players need to believe they have a right. Not cower to white supremacy, but feel confident to bring their skills ( skin colour and culture) to the table.
I was reading about 'learned helplessness' the other day
How many of us are stuck in that?
But I also know that even in the face of some of the worst abuses, black people have fought back.
They shouldn't stop fighting
Until the battle is won
and sometimes.. that battle is internal
It's changing, minds are changing.. minds are waking up, shaking up, toughening up
Injustices can only continue for so long.. we're reaching a tipping point

btw - my favourite coach is Arsene Wenger ( leave him alone)

An interesting watch

* In case you don't know.. I was being sarcastic about Blair btw :)

Thursday 29 January 2015

Beres Hammond - Paparazzi

...'but my neighbours light is on...'

Joey Badass ft Chronixx - Belly of the Beast

Lutan Fyah - Best Set A Badmind Friend. Lutan in Interview, and a thought or two


Over the past few days my mind has considered the ways in which many of us across the world, have made pain and suffering a part of our culture/s. From mule women to child soldiers, to slum dwellers, to the practice of FGM..

A culture of suffering?

How many people have embraced the idea of suffering an an axiomatic requisite of goodness, purity, righteousness or faith?
How many of us feel powerless to change unfavourable situations that we feel have been inflicted on us, that we become perpetual victims of 'circumstances'.
How many continue to bend thier backs and endure more load, more weight, more hardship. Unaware that change is within thier grasp

Fighting back
It's said that necessity is the mother of invention.
Child soldiers it can be argued, were, and remain for some, and in some circumstances, a necessary resource, and a failure to exploit such a resource would have seemed foolhardy for those who stand to benefit.

To fight is a choice that we make. It's one which is made daily, hourly, moment by moment, just as peace, and to live peacefully, is also a choice
The thing with war is that it requires that you alternate your position from the attack to defense in the blink of an eye. Moral ground is lost as a result.
War will not end unless and until both parties decide enough. Either that, or one party is obliterated.
Humanity loses.
Ironically, those fighting are often unclear of the real reasons..
...are often fighting on behalf of others.. and in some cases, would rather not be fighting at all

A culture of suffering can become a culture of resistance.
of honour, dignity, quality, love, hope, unity, peace,
Just say no.
This shit is too heavy for me to carry. Lets find another way.
Don't believe me?
You carry it.

Mali Music - No fun alone. & a few random thoughts..


As we are in the grip of winter, I thought I'd post some recent pictures of Montserrat that I was shown yesterday.
If you have a love, maybe you can travel there togteher. Or alone.. it's just as beautiful


I have a thing about beaches and being near the sea.


Question of the day from Ti

" Why don't they make planes out of the same material they use for the black box?.. the box is indestructible..."

My question is.. "why is it called the Black box.. it's not even black.."


Apparently Dippy at the natural History Museum is taking a break. Going on tour I hear.

"Dippy's going on tour and I can't even get a bloody show!.. and Dippy been dead for years..." - Ti

They're taking the P . Quite funny really

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Mali Music - Beautiful

Quote of the week...

" See my size and the size of the gun. It is not good"
-Child Solider -

Brymo - Dear Child. Picture Story? - Mule Women.

I read this story yesterday. [click]

I remember a few years back meeting groups of women from a similar region. I remember wondering why they all spoke of having ailments of some kind.. until I heard thier about lives. In addition, a few mentioned abusive husbands.
In truth ( rightly or wrongly) I thought of thier husbands... as, Pigs.
When I walked away, I remember thinking. These hunched over women were 'beautiful' once.
Many were still in thier 40s!
I remember think also, how long it took for them to 'accept' me
I remember thinking...even with all your ailments, and crappy lives.. you still found the strength to display racism.

Crazy world

Women are not mules, and should never be used as such in my humble opinion.
The Guardian story speaks of many of these women losing thier jobs to men
my question is.. what the heck were the men doing before?
Smoking bong?
Lord have mercy

Tuesday 27 January 2015


My team are out.

I dont understand tournaments. They only lost once!
It's too technical. It's not fair :(

Akon : AlJazeera Interview

The Senegalese-American recording artist talks frankly about US race relations, "rebranding" Africa, and his music

Asa - Bibanke

Shark Island - Concentration Camp - Namibia

The African story, and concentration camp we hear less about. 30yrs before Nazi Germany.

Brymo - Down, One pound , Nothing's ever promised tomorrow, Fe Mi, & Good morning

Very very nice track Brymo

Bugle - Wrong Priority

Interesting lyrics from Bugle

Busy Signal - Protect My Life Oh Jah


Konshens - Talk bout it tomorrow

Konshens and another song I can't play through my main speakers.

Wish he'd had given us the 'clean' version also. I can't tell my 'boys' one thing then turn around and do it ( I complain if they play songs with the N word, too much swearing or overtly sexually explicit) In fact, I'll just say ... 'turn that shit off lol!. then lecture them about subliminal messages and becoming what you listen to

Still, this is mild in comparison, I do have a soft spot for Konshens, and like the song.. nice melodies, nice harmonies, cool riddim etc
Headphones it is then

Have a great day!

Monday 26 January 2015

Wiz Kid - Sound It

Man - Power

I can never understand men who don't take care of thier children
Children are so beautiful
Imagine .. a man impregnates a woman, a child is born, his child, flesh of his flesh
How can that man eat everyday.. not knowing if his child/ children and the mother of those children have eaten?
What kind of man does that?
Do they have shoes?
Are they okay?
Do they need anything?

The Power of a man is not in his ability to impregnate
but his ability to provide love and care afterwards
to step up.. and do the right thing

When a man is unable to provide due to unemployment, or lack of qualifications
It can be crushing for that man
It can ruin potentially good relationships
It's not easy, and not always black and white
but still.. find a way, to do the right thing
at least the best you can
..we see you trying...the mother see you trying, she got your back


I miss 'girlfriends'
Those, sit on the bed evenings, talking about life and guys and stuff, dreams and ambitions..
I think I kinda shut down a bit.. needed a break from all that.
Also friendships can change, people move on. Family, commitments etc
But every so often.. it can be real nice.

I like guy friends as i'm a bit of a tomboy sometimes.. but that can get complicated ( if dey is cute)
The right girlfriends though, can bring something new to the table i think. its a different dynamic

Ultimately, male female or otherwise, a friend is a friend
and anyone with a true friend is fortunate indeed

If your genitals could talk

I stumbled across this

58 and never had an orgasm? talk to Psychotherapist and agony aunt Philippa Perry
I've never heard this said before.....
Quote...'Once we've made a narrative around our genitals we can edit the narrative. we can change the character of our genitalia, and how we think about them...'
We can get to know them better, and potentially, change thier future narrative too'

Sean Tizzle - Sho Lee

Mothers & daughters pt 2. ft Wiz kid - On top your matter

I have a daughter.
She's amazing, beautiful, smart, talented, and all the things I could have ever wanted in a daughter.
However... during the teens and early 20's we fought like cat & dog.
We argued as she'd wear my clothes, I'd get upset, as they kept disappearing etc.. it was crazy..
Yet, somehow, it passed.
We grew up perhaps. ( to be fair, and looking back, we were both kinda young)
I didn't get it
.. a little inexperienced maybe
The love I have for my daughter is immeasurable

I remember the saying.. 'This too shall pass'
I think about me and my mum
.. and maybe it will, maybe it won't

I can honestly say.. I don't know
It's deeper than who's wearing whose clothes
The saying offers some comfort though...hope in the absence of my own
I'll take that for now

Sunday 25 January 2015

Mothers & daughters

I can't get through to my mum.
I thought we were making progress, but I got a call today which basically put paid to that notion.
It hurt me, what was said hurt me, but I wont shoot the messenger.
I don't know how we're going to resolve our current differences, or if we ever will now.
It makes me abit sad because after all, life is short, and we really shouldn't waste it, or the time we have together
Ultimately, it is what it is.

I think perhaps my mum is sad because she feels like she's losing me
It's like a self fulfilling prophecy
I'll stay away, go my way
It's sad because I love my mum so much , but I clearly can't be around her right now

It's said when you've done all you can.. it's time to let go, and let god
I hereby .. hand it over.

Have you ever seen that show - Take me out?...

Wow.. Do the black girls ever get picked?!
Even on the odd occasion they have a black guy on the show.. the black girls still don't get picked lol!!
Those black guys seem to out their lights quicker than you can blink!

Girls.. don't even bother to waste your time
I can't imagine your Prince is ever gonna be on that show. Those guys.. don't seem to wanna date black girls.
Don't ask me why..
... and expect a short answer lol!..
.. and unless you've got thick skin :)

..because you know me well enough by now, to know I have an opinion on it
Happy Sunday x

Yemi Sax - Beautiful Onyinye, Slow Wine, Strong Thing, Party Hard & Like to Party

Weekend Wow Factor - ft Bisa Kdei I love You. & Yemi Sax.

British Nurse Pauline Cafferkey who was being treated at the Royal London hospital after contracting Ebola whilst working at a treatment centre in Sierra Leone has made a full recovery and has been released.

Great news and 'happy to be alive ' Pauline Cafferkey

Further good news in that 2 districts have been declared Ebola free


Baron Warsi was reportedly the first Muslim ( female) to sit in Cabinet
She was senior foreign minister of a Conservative ( coalition) government
It's reported that she resigned over her governments stance on the conflict in Gaza.
Others state it was her fury at being overlooked for promotion.
I believe the latter to be very plausible... possible.. probable.

Baroness Warsi...nice cheeky smile.. :)

The good Baroness knew her party, and her party's values, when she joined, and was happy to play the conservatives only Muslim female 'pin up' if you know what I mean.
To be fair she has spoken out about the normalization of Islamophobia in British society before [click]
It's also possible that Baroness Warsi knew that her conservative credentials would raise her profile substantially
and as a result she is now using her credentials to 'speak out' further
Good for her
She is correct with regards to the governments 'alienation of Muslims' [ click]
... yet despite the fact that I agree with aspects of what she says
I'm not a fan
Yet she interests me.
She's highly intelligent, no questioning that
So... I'm going to find out more about her... ( at some point.. yawn)
After which i'll either find her great ( which is highly possible.. as I quite admire strong women) .. or awful, and a exploitative self publicist


I love Bisa's voice



Are we all responsible for the 'normalization ' of white privilege?


I am a fan of many things and many people
including Saxophone players..

I'll listen to Oyoyo forever. Love J Martins for that song

and my fav at the mo...

Saturday 24 January 2015

Donald ft Big Nuz - Party For 2

Sometimes you gotta just wrap up warm, and push on through. ft Donald - Crazy But Amazing.

Yippee.. made a great start today. I had to forgo class , but I sorted the cleaning of the downstairs windows, etc, and kept going for hours. Will resume my clear out tomorrow, but I'm feeling very motivated, and much better than I felt this morning. I even braved the cold and cleared the front yard up nicely. In fact.. the cold air, helped to keep me focused.
'Ha, there you go weather.. I bet you thought you had me beat!... no chance.. I was on the ropes.. but not down'

I'm feeling much better, balanced, and back on track.
I know I need to resume my fitness regime, get back to running again, if not that.. something else.


Well, well well....'Little man' began life as a Chelsea supporter


There has been a change!


Senegal to win the Africa Cup of Nations!


Happy Saturday x

Is it Saturday Yet?

In truth, I'm glad to see the back of that week. Just very busy really.
I wish I could hibernate until Spring. I really don't like the winter months at all, because it's too cold.
Seriously. It's too cold.
Gardens lay dormant. ice covers the grass in the mornings, and the bitter breeze batters plants and trees throughout the day without mercy.
The cold hurts me ... without mercy.
Yes, all the months have a certain beauty, and for everything there is a season.. but....

As time goes on, my intention is to limit my time in the cold
My mind needs the warmth of the sun, the energy

I need to feel a warm breeze on my skin.. and at present the only time I get that in under the hand blower of the ladies toilets.
That aint right
No.. I am of the sun. and the melanin that I possess needs a lot more of it.
I will live in the warmth near the sea. With or without 24hr electricity.
I'll adapt.

Still, it's Saturday, and things need to be done.
So i'll do what I can.
I haven't practice my languages much this week , so i'm not impressed with myself with regards to that.

It's Saturday, but I've had a volcanic week and my soul needs to replenish. To rest...To recover.
I need to release the negative energy that I've picked up throughout the week, re-focus, and regain my balance once more.
I'm a little restless
A little anxious
.. and that needs to change
.. will change
.. because i'll change it

Thursday 22 January 2015

Lizha James ft Uhuru - Quem Ti Mansou

I like her dancers..
Cool track

Thursday thoughts..

Well done to Congo!
They beat Gabon 1-0.
1st win since 1974? [click]
This tournament is still pretty much 'anyones' to win I think
I don't have a clear favourite, but I always like to support the 'underdogs'

I made peace with mum..
I said I would didn't I. i couldn't leave things like that. and each day.. i'll do my best


No one can walk your path but you, I thought today
Our journeys are so unique
Follow your mind, I thought today
Best you control it.. rather than entrust to someone else, such an important job!

I like P Square
This no be joke
Yes, I like that


I dreamt about Fally last night.
Maybe it was my way of saying okay Fally. I've met someone else and wont be marrying you after all. Bye !
Lol!.. the fact that Fally is happily married off long time makes that even funnier


My Fiance supports Man Utd!
Yikes! :)
We had a laugh about that.
He said for some reason most women in Sierra Leone seem to support Arsenal!
One of us will have to switch he said laughing
I wonder which one it will be
I told him , at the least.. I wont cuss them anymore.. I said maybe they can be my second team ( like a sub ) ouch!
He said the same about Arsenal
( he said he doesn't mind Arsenal but it's just that Arsene Wenger for a long time didn't want to spend money and buy new players.. and he likes winners
I said when the football's on, i'll go to bed!
Under our Arsenal Duvet! heehee :)

Mum raised a warrior.. and she never knew it

I had a horrible argument with my mum of all people.
The reason I was unable to hold back is because I can no longer tolerate certain unacceptable things .. from anyone.
Unfortunately, there are those who will take my kindness for weakness
Do so at your peril
There are also those who think, because i'm the youngest 'child'.. i'm spoilt, and will forever be 12 yrs old.
12yrs is not my age, but may be the number of sexual partners I've had.. all at the same time in the same bed. ( It's not true, but yeah .. that's what i should have said...that would have upset my mum to the max)

There was a time when if someone made a disparaging remark, or I felt I wasn't being treated with the respect I deserve I'd leave it.
Now?... ( If pushed far enough) i'll f'in let you know in no uncertain terms what I think.

But the fact that it's still on my mind is perhaps a message that I need to practice walking away again
or perhaps the moral of the story is.. don't underestimate me, and don't push me. Whoever, you are I'll tu'n you over.
I can , and will bite back.
.. but i'll smile.. if that helps at all
I'm too grown to let anyone take the piss
I'm gonna have to go see her today though. I can't leave things like that.
Upset as I was, and as upset as my mum was, I love my mum, and I know that my mum, does, love me. I just annoy her at times. ( In fact no, It's not that I annoy her, it's that she doesn't really understand me... we're different people)
The irony is, mid way in the argument, she said the she's a coward and i'm not.. so I ended up defending her, and reminding her of all the brave things she's done!.
You raised a warrior mum, and be proud that you did

My brother called me last night and told me to watch Crimewatch
then he text-ed me later.. 'I hope you're watching'
Somehow, I resisted the urge to tell him to ... 'f*** off you freak!'.
I just said.. 'No, i'm not watching.,.. but thanks... and enjoy
I've better things to do.. like sleep.
somebody somewhere is Crazy.. lord knows I hope it's not me

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Being British

In the absence of any definitive concept of 'Britishness' ( that doesn't sound like bullshit)
I've decided to think..
To construct if you like.. my own campaign..
Well.... it's less campaign really, and more.. hmmmm..thoughtful tribute

lest anyone get the wrong impression that I'm anti Britain.
I'm Pan-Africanist sure..but not anti British
After all.... how could I be...

I was born right here in London. The Royal London Hospital to be exact.
Born at Dawn.. of course.. when else.
I have lived in London all my life, lived well, and lived happily

I enjoyed school.. couldn't wait to get there actually.
Enjoyed primary .. didn't enjoy secondary.
god love 'em :)

I would consider my upbringing a typical Caribbean upbringing of the time.. well...typical ish
We had no plastic covers on settees, and unlike many .. we were allowed in the front room
'Do your homework!
'Dawna, It's late .. come inside!'
No you can't play out!
'Ask your mum/dad!'
'None of your business!'

My parents? , very open people, good people I'd say
Very 'Caribbean' so to speak
It makes me sad at times when I consider that after arriving in London.. they spent little time after that , in the country of thier birth
Still... they appeared happy enough with it
They were young when they came here...leaving behind friends ( in many cases) and family

Jobs were hard to come by, but they were able to find them
Britain was hostile to them. yet the few who embraced my parents.. more than made up for it

I remember an Irish couple who were very close to my parents.. and of course... the old crowd
many of whom are no longer with us

I also remember... I couldn't have been more than 10yrs.. telling my mum.. I was not English
You are! - she insisted... angrily
No..I said... British ... perhaps... but not English
Imagine that....
Surely I was too young for all that
Clearly not
In fact, I can't even remember what brought that on

Anyway.. to kick off my 'What is Britishness' series of posts.. I will present you with an image.. .
and all the images hereafter will mean something special to me..
Perhaps they will hold the key to Britishness.. In some way

So... without further ado, here's the 1st Image... simple right?

#1.The Library

I spent many hours here as a child.
I always took the maximum number of books allowed.
Reading wasn't an escape.. but a doorway to a new world
A world were anything was possible.. and everyone looked like a cartoon.. until I said otherwise
I wasn't running away from anything, but my imagination and creativity was allowed to run free
I had the freedom to be a child, a child who had been taught to read, and was not denied access to books.

Finding common ground with those who looked very different than I
yet shared the same love
I loved that place so much
Stamford Hill seemed very different back then

If I ever pass that spot. the old memories are never far from my mind
Creating a environment rich in creativity, difference and acceptance

Images Source: Google Images

Heavy K ft Naak MusiQ - Yini

Karma, Sound Sultan & Sean Tizzle - Aropin

Soundsultan Ft. Sarkodie - Ishe(Work)

Eric Pickles in a Pickle

Eric Pickles is a Conservative MP and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.
With the consent and backing of our PM David Cameron, Eric Pickles sent this letter out to mosques, and Muslim leaders across London.
You can read the letter [here]

Eric Pickles and co are at a loss to understand how or why anyone could be affronted by this
... well.. lets see... as perhaps... that's at the root of many problems we face in multicultural London.
Never underestimate the impact, of a lack of understanding.

My 1st reaction was.. how rude
and then I thought.. well what do you expect Dawna

and then I thought.. hey,perhaps they really are oblivious, and honestly mean no harm
and then, the questions...

Question 1 is... exactly what is British Islam?... and what is the 'true nature of British Islam today?.. as mentioned in the letter
Tell me..Is there now a special brand of Islam for Brits.. or is Islam... Islam.?
What are British values?.. is another recurring question
..and since when, were British 'values'... Muslim values?

As the daughter of immigrants, I remember a time when the idea of embracing 'British values'.. would have caused a few shudders
We need to be honest
Someone needs to be honest
what are these values.. and what makes them specifically 'British'?

Are we talking about 'Christian' values?
The 10 commandments and all that?
Or are we talking about humanitarian values? values that we can all relate to, and should or could be adopted across the world?

This 'British-ness' thing appears as confused as Eric Pickles letter...

For some.. Britishness still equates to Whiteness
For others... it's beer, chips, easy sex, pop culture, loutish behaviour, lack of respect for elders and parents, racism and general disarray
For others , it's tolerance, multiculturalism , understanding, liberalism, democracy, free speech and the rule of law
For some it's the monarchy, *sings* 'rule- Britania', the Proms , and all that
In truth.. it means different things to different people,

The letter was poor taste.
Similar letters could be sent to all black parents in the wake of any 'incident ' that the government or police term - 'black on black violence'
A similar letter could be sent to all white people, based on the racist actions of a few people.
Did anyone send a similar letter out to white Londoners after the murder of Steven Lawrence?
I don't think so
Imagine... a letter stating something along the lines of..' raise your children right.. we will not tolerate white racist bigotry, and if you suspect any family member of indulging in racist or white supremacist thought.. me pa this hotline....

Come on...
If you really want to build relations with anyone, be as honest as you can.. engage with them properly .. and be respectful
resist the urge to blame, or be 'superior'
Tell me... how can one condone the ridiculing and disrespect of a peoples faith on one hand...
then say you share the same values on the other?
Surely British-ness does not stand for hypocrisy

Secretary of state for communities and local government
.. with seemingly little understanding of communities

lord have mercy.


Senegal 2 Ghana 1
Amazing.. Love you Ghana an all that but .... Go Senegal!!

I missed the match.. but later on the score popped up on my phone. I was like.. wow

Monday 19 January 2015

Ruffcoin - Eriwa

'Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter' - Song choice : Duncan Mighty ft. Phyno.

History is written by those who can write..
Read by those who can read..
and cemented as gospel by those who stand to benefit

.. taught over and over, to eager unquestioning minds
'truth' is born

Want a voice?
Win the war


Check out this rich list... I tried to scroll to the end.. but it just keeps going! cool huh.. [click]
Interesting to see that as much as the richest among us acquire, many give away great sums also.
It's an interesting list


A very nice track by Duncan Mighty ft Phyno

Not too sure what Jide Ofor means, and am too tired to search this time
I like Phyno on it too...
A tune like this will sound great live..

Has the film Selma, really been 'snubbed' by Hollywood?
Was it accidentally overlooked? as was implied today
Or is it a case of bad timing
You see in 12 years a slave, most viewers will feel assured that the African slave trade is behind us
Police brutality in America?

Not quite.
I've not seen the film
If I do I will be honest in my review.
If its a great film.. I'll say
If not.. I'll say.



Dr Sid Ft Tiwa savage - Oyari

Tiwa's intro.. nicely done. I was wondering where she was !
Nice and fresh.. like the 'Shoki' move
Happy Monday all.. a new week has begun x

Sunday 18 January 2015

If you hang out with an insomniac.. don't expect to get to bed early.

... and that simple statement is also a metaphor,.. if you think about it awhile.

It was a literal experience for me last night.
It was lovely of one of my brothers to come over to talk, hang out with me..chill, but I hadn't really realized the extent of his insomnia until i noticed it was 2am in the morning, he was oblivious, and I was struggling to stay awake. In the end, we called a cab at something to 5.


That old saying.. you are known by the company you keep is very true.
Whether you realize it or not, for better or worse, you will adopt aspects of each others ways. So.... spend more time with those you genuinely like, and wouldn't mind being like in some way


I'm learning!. my Twi is coming along and so is my Krio.
I got to practice my Krio yesterday with my future mother in law who is lovely, and as she doesn't speak English, I had to speak what Krio i could.
and.... we managed a conversation
yay! that was the best feeling ever.

Never did I think I would utter the words... well done to the Pope!
I do so purely because he said what I felt and said quite recently... that it's 'not okay to mock what another holds dear. ' If you insult my mother' he said.. 'expect to get a punch on the nose!'
Tell them Pontiff tell them
Cultural and religious imperialism.. where will it end?
The arrogance of many is overwhelming
and dangerous
for us all


The past week or two I've been in reflective mode. never did I think I'd utter the words... I'm very grateful to my exes!
they have taught me many valuable lessons.
..and coloured my journey to this point
they have helped me to identify what I want, and what I don't... to be happy with me, the person I am, the person I hope to become
unbeknownst to them....they have taught me to recognize and appreciate true love
and that's a wonderful thing

Nice version of the Marcia Grifiths song Etana

Africa Cup of Nations - today's fixtures [click]

Etana - On My Way

Sunday dancehall reality selection - Jah Vinci Ft. Mr.G - Fi The Poor. Bugle - Talk Show. .Fantan Mojah - Nah Vote Again .Munga - Badmind People.

Cecile - Ruff You Up

Saturday 17 January 2015

Weekend Wow Factor - Love Life and Football

The Africa Cup Of Nations starts today
Here are the group fixtures [click]
Hopefully we can get it on the BBC

Unfortunately Sierra Leone are out - so not sure who I'll support.

Sierra Leone football team

Maybe I'll support Guinea, as they've had a tough time with Ebola.. and because of the very pretty girl i met in Brixton a few months back. ( she was cool.. she inspired me actually, because she just up and left Guinea, came over here to be with her boyfriend, and got a job in under a week)

Let's have a look...okay group by group, i'll back....
Group A - Burkina Faso
Group B - DR Congo
Group C - Senegal
Group D - Guinea ( closely followed by Mali)

Overall, I think it's pretty open. Not even gonna say Ghana this time

Good fun.. bring it on...


I woke up this morning and the cold nearly killed me.
I couldn't believe how cold it was.
I'll get over it.. I'm still alive.
But I'll be was upsetting.

I had a dream last night so will follow though.
It will be my 1st day back at language class after the holidays, but I also need to buy a suitcase, and begin to pick up a few bits to go in it!

I think i'll do that after class, as I've had a bit of a late start, and housework requires my attention.
I intend for my sons to go buy paint, as we need to sort the place out, especially the children's room.
My mission today is to place some fire under butts to get them moving.
I'm currently watching Ti play video games as if it's not Saturday and nothing needs doing...
This young man seriously needs to travel. Needs to experience life outside of his very comfortable comfort zone for abit
I think it would be good for him.
I'll resist the temptation to cuss him and throw something at his krainium
I'll just get on with it, then make my demands along the way.
he has forfeited the right to discussion


Of all the songs at the moment I cant stop playing this one
It touched my heart
rarely would I post a song twice in the same week. But there's no law against it and if there is...
I just broke it

Call it my rebelious act of the day
2015?.. gotta perform at least 1
I love the musicality, words , melody, his delivery and the video


I don't think Goodluck Johnathan will be Nigeria's President much longer.
I think he will lose this up coming election
Nice man ( seemingly)
But ( in my opinion) way to soft
maybe it's a case of.. get tough.. or get better advisors

I was thinking about love yesterday
My thought was.. when someone really loves you... it's so easy to recognize those who don't, never did, and never could.
When someone loves you, and you love them, it's magical , amazing, and feels like the easiest thing in the world.
I feel so fortunate right now
Life is unlike anything I've ever experienced before
I love my fiance very much.

I spoke to one of his friends over the phone last night who made me laugh
He said he has a headache
I asked him why
he said ...'the rapid fire of your name...
It's all he talks about
dawna dawna dawna

I can't wait to see them all
Love ( like friendship) is either given, or withheld, freely
It's a choice
If one is ever fortunate enough to have either, it's best to cherish it, as it's absence.. is palpable
.. and the great news is.. new Ebola cases are down significantly and falling rapidly
thank god

AFCON coverage on British EuroSport 2
Fixtures [click]

Thursday 15 January 2015

Pasuma ft Tiwa Savage - Ife

My sweet song for the night
Each day is a day closer to my love
Night x

Free Speech & Porn

It is entirely possible that the only place where free speech really exists in the 'public sphere' is in porn films
I remember one debate at uni about the language used in pornographic movies.
Interesting conversation

Outside of some old kink fest - porn is possibly the only place where one can indulge in overtly racist , sexist, misogynistic oration , and it be 'accepted'. I may even go as far as to say.. In that industry..It's expected
The more non PC .. the more erotic.. and arousing the movie ( I'm told)

Given the fact that many people watch porn..
It's interesting
Sexual fantasies huh... rarely PC
.. and rarely discussed in public

Cham - Back Way & Phyno - Yayo

These two videos have something in common...
Can you tell what it is ?

I'm not sure what to make of them.
In truth, It depends on which Dawna is watching.
Both videos raise numerous sociological and cultural questions.. just flicking through the Youtube comments is an insight into the various opinions on the sexual objectification of women, and the so called hyper masculinity of black men

Regular Dawna says...Cham is cute. :)
That girls butt ( In Phyno's vid) is a sight to behold..
and I quite like masculine men

Regular Dawna also says.... hmmm

I'll be honest.. I'm not a huge Phyno fan.. but he's interesting.
I find this video disturbing in parts though
It's an uneasy watch.
..perhaps that was the intention
if that's the question is...why?
what's your point Phyno?


Common, John Legend - Glory

Ti thought it would be funny to stick this poster on my bedroom wall, as a 'home from work surprise'.
What he has done is... reminded me to get a lock for my door.

He said he wanted to remind me of my roots

Errr.. right.. o-kay Ti.
My name is Dawna... have we met?
Don't sign up for the comedy club

How times change.
I remember putting pictures of Biko and other Pan African leaders on my mums wall...
Ironically.. we uttered the same words.....
'take it down..'

I had a thought today.
If it were at all possible for the dead to turn in graves, African liberation freedom fighters must have done a full 360 by now.
Because we are witnessing ( despite some areas of growth and development ) the on going demise of the continent. The shift from a Pan African solution focused approach, ( Where have the Pan Africanists gone?...) to the selling of swathes of land to foreign investors, loss of focus, increased individualism...corruption... It's a sorry affair
The people cry....Africa, and Africans,, are selling out big time.
Interestingly, there are those who believe that life was better under colonial rule
Some Caribbean islanders e.g Jamaicans feel the same also ( occasionally) regarding thier Islands
Some feel the demise occurred at the point of 'independence'
Nationalism is the devil!.. some may say

Those people tend not to know the real story..
The colonial mind..for some.. for hard to shake.
I didn't grow up under colonial rule.

I sympathise in part with those who did..
But not so much that I can ever feel at ease with thier ignorance
Yet not everyone who grew up 'under siege'.. is inclined to that thought.
I appreciate, and am thankful to those who are not

Everything changes.. the world changes, the day Africa really gets its shit together'.. was my lunchtime thought.
It's beneficial for many.. that the continent and its people, remain unconscious

Princes and Kings.. Princesses and Queens,

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Konshens - Bring Back Love Making

Your love recognized my love.. my love recognized your love

Lino ft Fally Ipupa - Peuple qui danse - People who Dance

I tried to locate a translation. this is the only one I was able to source
Apologies for any inaccuracies
Still...Interesting song right..
Nice Kora infusion, and Fally on the chorus .. hits all the right spots for me



A people who dance guided by Kings prone
The orchid rifle souls not for sale
Beggar sitting on a diamond mine
applauded by arms cries
the sun sets the slab as two star crossed lovers
earth red blood a rive that moves in time with or without
rhyme my revolt j'crache point blank, an aftertaste of blood
our heroes are dead faith in the oblivion tombs are dying of cold
a few blocks from paradise i'm born, the weight of history tipped my cradle
punctured the wheels of my destiny surrounded by flames form a hoop
I walked to hell roof, a continent apart

the songs are not revolts , they accompany the...
there's blues and reggae xxx and rumba, the kompa
that hit the go between laughter machetes
sometimes it is hard to rise when necessary to fill the plate


Africa they said
Africa unconscious
Africa they said
Africa unconscious


A people who sing, son a a sleeping beauty
whose silence the powerful voice i still put
may skin on pace j'rappe the epicentre
the earthquake hit in advance, among the cliques of the hyenas stun weapons
goose the country epidermis, in mourning at the death to life
coffin in the open, medication needs to disease
solider of the diaspora, far from the mother land of the Caribbean in the US to the sound of the Kora
xxx SOS Africa, still need a Mr xxx
even with the negro to the head of the world, how much time accusing the colon
stashed behind blue helmet, confused raven and dove
no masks, i want to rob this century with cliches, come to blows
it goes nowhere, years of common goal
divided, one seeks a destiny out of the matrix
xxx Marcus, Franz, Patrice, who can understand


Africa they said
Africa unconscious
Africa they said
Africa unconscious

Divided Africa
Africa Unconscious

MI CASA - These Streets & La Vida

Nice vid.. with the coolest Lego men ever

Tuesday 13 January 2015

DJ Merlon ft Mondli Ngcobo - Koze Kuse

"Lord Fauntleroy here, do you think you could turn those negro-rhythms down?" - Ken Morely
'Ken Morely!... this is Big Brother may exit the building' - Big Brother programe bosses

Mirror Image


Monday 12 January 2015

MI CASA - Jika & Give You Love

Sometimes I think...

Politics fills the gap where common sense once reigned
To be a politician is to seek to regain it, or abstain from it, forever
.. and find supporters
who undoubtedly feel the same

Don't place your fears on my shoulders
Each of us has burden enough to carry,
I need not extra

Of course black lives matter
Equal value for equal lives
be outraged
In equal measure
at unjustified attacks upon life
or be silent

I wanna fall asleep in the arms of my love
and awake in those same arms

I need to re-read , a clash of civilizations..
now's the time

The real issue behind the issue is land

It's possible to fight for so long...
that the reason for fighting becomes lost

No country divided can truly be at ease
Nigeria for example, needs an equal distribution of wealth and opportunity
Look to the North
look further than your own family
After all...
Are we not all kin?
let 'opportunity for all'
be a slogan we can all support
..or chant no slogan at all

Love really is stronger than hate
..yet we struggle to define love often , fear it
Let love guide our thoughts, and our penmanship
.. and then the pen, really will be mightier than the sword
.. but only then.

Even if my words fall on deaf ears
lord may they touch that which matters most
and souls

Sometimes I think...
I question
and I wonder

Sunday 11 January 2015

Stereophonics - Handbags And Gladrags

I had forgotten how funny 'the office ' was .. and just how great this track is

This remains my No1 Stereophonics song
tomorrow' s nearly here.
Here's a very impressive acoustic version
Night x

Today?, just doing it, simple like....ft Donald - Your Joy

Some of the best days happen by chance. Simple, blissful days, where you're able to simply catch up, gather your thoughts, rest, ponder, be still awhile, chill.
Today has been one of those days.
Spending time enjoying sounds old and new, checking out artists, exploring... but of course I feel odd if I don't write , so I also write.
Writing is a funny thing,

There are times when I can be still, and pretty much compose all in my mind. Then once done... pour it all out on paper.
Other times I have no particular 'conscious' thought, but begin to write anyway.. something.. a word.. anything, then out of 'nothing' thoughts begin to form and each thought inspires another.

I realized today, that I haven't written a Soulmate Sunday post for some time.
Do you remember?.. where I'd talk all things love and relationships?
I guess perhaps I'd talked enough, and it was time to get on with it huh
Its been a nice, day today

..and I hope you've had a great day, doing whatever you do.... x

the end of the vid is funny.. just like that? ..
surely dat aint love bra :)

Em Ex - Lengoma ft Mondli Ngcobo

MI Casa - Turn you on & Your Body

Runtown - The Banger ft. Uhuru

4x4 - Roses & Baby Dance ft Davido

E.L - Check My Swagga, Auntie Martha, My People & Boorle

'Get out!..' :)

Happy Sunday


Saturday 10 January 2015

1960 What? - Gregory Porter.. & Has multiculturalism really failed?

I'm waiting for a change
I'm waiting for the...' yeah but's...'
I'm witnessing a re-run
Yeah.. I think I've seen this movie before.

Man goes into a school and guns down innocent children and teachers
Another man goes into a theater and does the same
Not once.. twice.. in fact.. I've lost count

After the initial outrage comes the.. 'yeah buts..'
Yeah but, he was an outcast
Yeah but, he was mentally ill
Perhaps he was abused as a child... by parents or peers

Outrage fades.. no change in gun laws
After all... they say a man 'has a right' to bear arms

An unarmed black youth is gunned down on American soil by law enforcement
Not once.. or twice .. or even three times
In truth.. I've lost count
A man is choked to death , again by 'law enforcement' in broad daylight

'Get back' .. they say.. 'stop filming..'nothing to see here
I appeal for calm
Let the law its job

Yeah but, he was wearing a 'hoody'.. he looked 'suspicious'
Yeah but, he may have stole some sweets, or tried to sell loose cigarettes
Perhaps he smoked some 'weed' a few hours before
Yeah but, he was an inch or two bigger than me.. taller - wider...
Yeah but, I was afraid
Yeah but, he had 'previous'
Yeah but, he was aimlessly swinging a toy gun in a department store.. that sells toy guns

'I appeal for calm ..' says the President.
An explanation will come

No case to answer
Back to work.. nothing to see here

Some say 'multiculturalism has failed
Our own Mayor of London calls it the balkanisation of our society.
Immigrant communities practicing their 'own 'cultures' in enclaves across Britain, across London.
Yet studies have repeatedly shown that as many of these immigrant families move into an area.. white families move out
Perhaps It's the case of reluctant immigrant vs bad host

So has multiculturalism really failed?
...did it ever really exist?

I say multiculturalism can work...
But works best if you have a strong 'national Identity'
If your national identity was founded on Empire and Imperialism.. it may require that you reconstruct that identity.
Multiculturalism can work
I believe it so
but its takes work
.. and whose job is it anyway?
It's everyones job.

This week I waited for the yeah buts....
But they never came

Good morning all .. and Happy Saturday x
Be good ...

Friday 9 January 2015

More Friday tunes...Lection ft Lungelo - They Know & Solo ft.Tumi & Proverb - Stardust

TGIF all, I'm aiming for a lovely and blessed day.
May your day be equally wonderful, and you find joy in what you do

Now...Why does this guy remind me of DMX?
His flow is almost scarily on point. .Lyrically talented.. although I would need a translation...
I think it's fair to say it's in the gangster rap zone


I like ProVerb...

..and I like the 'concert on a bus' idea

Remmogo All Stars- A re Kopaneng

I may need some help with this one
I know very little about Remmogo All Stars other than - they are from Botswana
So if anyone knows more please feel free to share e.g names of individual artist - history etc

Looking at the comments it would appear that this song ( 1st one below) is about uniting against the spread of HIV ( plus one singer mentions it in his verse)
It's a cool melody, beat, and the harmonies are great.

1st singer up - his voice is smooth as silk, the guy in the black jacket and bow tie looks very smart, and the guy in graffiti T-shirt - has a nice vocal tone.
They're all great to be fair

Have a great day all x


Does the line up change?

Thursday 8 January 2015

An eye on the brides and the rich & famous

I decided to take a news hiatus

So, to unwind, I enjoyed a long conversation with Ti, then watched Four Weddings ( which truth is becoming an every day thing!) and then ...Big Brother.
Not just any Big Brother mind you.... the Celebrity one.
Celebs are actually very interesting people, at least there are times when I find them so.

To hear them speak of their addition problems , plastic surgery, relationships etc, makes you realize that many do live in a 'different world'.
It made me wonder.. what would your 'everyday person' buy, if money were no object.
Perhaps it depends on the industry you're in or the career you have.
If you're a model then perhaps you will spend money on maintaining your looks?
If you're a singer.. ( something for the inner turmoil?)
assuming of course that the inner angst exists

It has been a different kind of evening that's for sure
Well.. it's said that a change is as good as a rest

Chronixx - Like a Whistle & Romain Virgo - Star across the sky & I Octane - My Way

A very solid album from Chronixx.
This track has definitely grown on me over time - nice



What's not being said...

It's not right to desecrate that which others hold dear.
Free speech is as confusing as it is interesting and necessary
But in truth, it works both ways and always comes with an element of responsibility

If a person inadvertently insults.. that's one thing.
But to set out to deliberately be insulting... just .. well... to be insulting, is a whole other kettle of fish.
It's wrong

Make no mistake. i don't condone what took place yesterday.
I'm very sorry about what took place in Paris yesterday. It's very sad indeed, and very frightening.
Our thoughts and prayers go to those who have been affected.

I remember many years ago being told it was a crime 'high treason' to deface English money

I also remember a few years back Abu Hamza being deported from the UK.. for allegedly 'speaking his mind outside a London mosque'

I really feel for journalists right now who are faced with violence of the threat of violence simply for doing thier job.
Yet, I am uneasy about it all.
I'm uneasy because politics politicians foreign policy and war, are possibly increasing the threat to the innocents
...and rarely are they honest with us
Do we really know what's going on?
Last night I began to watch the Al Jazeera Documentary 'Inside Kenyas death squads. '
I was too tired to watch it all, so I may watch the rest tonight.... perhaps.. (to be honest I may not) for when I realized that one key point that was being implied was that these 'squads' ( trained by Britain) were set up to shut up and get rid of, those who were deemed a problem...( permanently) It's worrying.
Not only is it a sad state of affairs, but it's also very hypocritical of Britain to insist that we maintain free speech here.. but clamp down on it elsewhere.

Last night I said to myself...
Dawna.. stop watching the news. No good can ever come of it!

I will always promote 'free speech'
..because I like to talk,
and it's a great way to learn about ourselves , others, and build understanding and peace, where previously there was none

Wizkid ft Maleek Berry - The Matter

1st week back after the holidays and I can honestly say that it caught up with me last night.
By the time I got home that was it... very tired, I went to bed early.
I'm glad it's Thursday and we are almost at the end of the week.
Yes I've been very busy, yes I've had the flu, and yes, I have a great deal on my mind, but I honestly believe that my extra tiredness is being brought about due to the huge amount of energy I'm having to use... just to keep warm!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

To believe in something

I have a friend who became a Buddhist a few years ago.

Life had become very stressful for her, and she found much comfort in Buddhism, in chanting, and learning more about how to incorporate the practice into her life.
One of my goals this year is to read more, and understand more about the various religious texts. Thus aiding my understanding and appreciation of people.. of the world.
My sweet new friend ( fiance) is a Muslim.

It's amazing how little people really know about Islam outside of mainstream media reports. ( which is often negative)
I don't know much and am still learning.
My love doesn't mind what I practice.. or believe. ( sweet)..he appreciates and respects whatever I do
Sierra Leonians are known for thier religious tolerance anyway.. in that faith.. is no barrier to love.
There are other issues which divide maybe.. but religion doesn't seem to be one.

I've always found spiritual and historical texts a comfort.

Personal growth is very important to me

I witnessed a change in temperament in my friend over time. She became calmer... more content in herself.

I think everybody believes in something.