Thursday 15 January 2015

Free Speech & Porn

It is entirely possible that the only place where free speech really exists in the 'public sphere' is in porn films
I remember one debate at uni about the language used in pornographic movies.
Interesting conversation

Outside of some old kink fest - porn is possibly the only place where one can indulge in overtly racist , sexist, misogynistic oration , and it be 'accepted'. I may even go as far as to say.. In that industry..It's expected
The more non PC .. the more erotic.. and arousing the movie ( I'm told)

Given the fact that many people watch porn..
It's interesting
Sexual fantasies huh... rarely PC
.. and rarely discussed in public


  1. I haven't watched a lot of porn in my lifetime but if I heard anything like that it would get turned off very quickly. No, that is not true. I wouldn't watch it in the first place because it objectifies women and that leads to a whole host of problems.

  2. random thought...I wonder if porn can lead to emotional and sexual desensitization...for both women and men
    From what i hear :) uses some obvious stereotypes and cliches. It's not PC...but maybe no one who watches is actually listening!.
