Sunday 19 June 2011


When is a kiss just a kiss?
Can you tell a lot about a person from the way they kiss?
Today for my SMS, I wanted to talk about the simple art of kissing, and whether or not for most of us they can make or break a budding relationship.

For example.. girls.. if you meet a nice guy and he's everything you feel you could want but he's not a very good kisser, will you stick it out, or will it put you off?

Do men put as much importance into kissing as us girls do? or is it just women.. heck .. is it just me?
A good kiss is everything I think. I honestly believe that when the kissing stops the relationship tends to go downhill soon after.. at least.. it may be a sign that something is wrong!.

Not everyone likes kissing I know.. but, if the person is into it, just doesn't enjoy it with you, that could be a big problem.

So..What constitute a good kiss?
Well.. *blushes* one that is soft, yet firm, juicy but not sloppy, one that like a concerto.. builds in momentum and fervor!!
Please don't laugh .. I'm trying to be serious discrete and informative at the same time.. which isn't easy:)

One that warms you up, and blinds you to everything else for that moment..
I think a good kiss can tell you whether there's something there.. or not

Eyes open or closed?
Damn.. stop freaking people out and close your eyes I reckon.. heightens the sensation!!
Happy SMSx


  1. Hmmmmm I like this post and absolutely love kissing and I also think it's a way of cementing that attraction and love between two people. If I do come across a man who can't kiss properly yes would put me off slightly :)

    A good kiss should be slow and sensous, you should feel and taste each others lips as though you were nibbling on a soft delicate fruit like peach ripe juicy and yummy......this fruit is to be savoured gently but intensly...........

    A kiss should not feel like you're munching on a granny smith apple boi can be rough on the lips!!!!!! lol

  2. Ahh Chilled Leo
    your comment made me laugh-out-loud!! even now i can't stop smiling.. from the thought of a juicy ripe peach- to the hard core granny smith!!
    I couldn't agree with you more :) I've spend too long cultivating these lips to have them roughed up chewed up and maxed out!!.. *giggles*

  3. This post is interesting. I think the kiss can reveal how your relation will go. Because if a guy can't kiss is definitely a NO for me

  4. I hear you Anonymous - but if you really like the guy enough you can show him!!:) I wouldn't rule him out completely !! gosh no:)..imagine all the other wonderful qualities he may have!!x

  5. thank you . you have changed my life.
    Shana Tova !

  6. Thank you for you comment Anonymous!.. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with you all..:)
    I'm not sure what Shana Tova means.. is it have a good year?
    If so.. ditto:))
