Monday 31 December 2012

Quiet days

Well the tinsel has been put away, windows cleaned, and now is as good a time as any for peace.. and quiet.
For as long as I can remember I've enjoyed the stillness of new years eve, it'll be gone before you know it. If there were things you wanted to achieve in 2012 and didn't, don't fret, If you're reading this then there's still time. if not, carry it over.
If your're out and about, stay safe, enjoy.. and all being well.. see you in 2013 x

Sunday 30 December 2012

Sex and Love Act 2

An astrologers guide..

Sex and Love - Act 1

Two very very different things.
Sex can be had without love, and love can be had without sex.
Some would argue both equally satisfying but.. really?
I would argue not.

Sex without love, for the sake of it, can never be as satisfying as sex with love, nor can it ever be a satisfying substitute.
It's momentary, love endures.

As deep in the heart of man, love is the desired outcome, and can never be cheated or fooled.

Back to cookery school

I have never made bread..

Caribbean bun..

or onions bhajis.

Would be nice to learn in 2013

James Allen audio books x2

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Thursday 27 December 2012

Monday 24 December 2012

Easy.. take it easy

The child in me and perhaps many others will be awakened over the next couple of days, so to kick things off... I enjoyed Mr Stink, I was really surprised to hear David Walliams wrote it.. I could have sworn I'd read that book as a child. how strange. Must be the style of writing.. the resurrection of a dormant memory.. "Mr Stink stank, he also stunk". ... great stuff

I look forward to seeing Shrek, assuming it will be on of course,

If not... here's that beautiful song from the movie

After which I shall have to refrain for a few days.

Of course all being well, the Eastenders Christmas special is a must.. other than that.. I'm easy.

here's the Alexandria Burke version

Easy take it easy?.. why.. D Brown of course

Sunday 23 December 2012

When disaster strikes - Busta Rhymes

"quit trying to work so fucking hard towards nothing" - Busta

Back in time with Busta


Fallout 3. Music of the 30's & 40's

Serenaded by the radio station on Fallout 3 this morning, I must say that this song always has me singing along. Who are these guys I thought?, so I googled the song title.. and here they are..

The Ink Spots... well I never

Wiki..a little history please..thanks

Who else?.. but Derek.

My TV crush. much to the horror of many.
What can I say but oh how I've enjoyed watching Mr B. aka dirty Derek.

Can we keep him Simon Ash.. please??

The square simply wont be the same

Eastenders.. what's a girl to do.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012

Almost years end

It’s approaching the end of the year so I thought I’d touch base now, and just in case I don’t get the chance to post anything, I’d like to wish all my passing readers a happy holiday and the very best for the up-coming new year.

There have been lots of ups and downs this year, as with most years, and in hindsight it has all gone by pretty quickly. I'm looking forward to the coming new year , as I tend to feel a sense of fresh hope, new ideas, plus there’s the knowledge that spring’s not too far away and with it, new beginnings.
If I were to say one nice thing about myself today it would be that I'm proud of the way I've raised my children. I've raised them alone and as mums we can often go into overdrive, doing.. working.. talking.. without truly noticing the impact. Over the past few weeks my lot have been solid. They have shown me they are wise beyond their years, very culturally, socially, and self aware, conscious, and nice to be around. I'm learning from them, and when I've had weak days, they have been strong. They make mistakes, we all do, but this moment, I like and appreciate them.
They grew a lot this year.
I will add to that and say funnily enough, now they're grown, they physically spend much less time with me now.. Ti's off looking at universities, Nais set up her business, and I rarely have a conversation with Ij, without him mentioning his son.. so despite not really having a model (so to speak) he's worked out how to be a father even after a separation.. and enjoys being one.
So that leaves more time, and space in my life for me to be.. Dawna

I hope I've grown too. I feel I may have taken a backward step in some areas, but maybe they were just to remind me of what’s right for me, or not.

Anyway, I'll probably be off radar for a while.

I was wondering what track to accompany my pre end of year message....something that particularly resonated with me this year.
I realised I didn't want words at all, as sometimes, and increasingly more often than not, words can say absolutely nothing at all, but a sound... a sound can touch the soul. So... it’s back to Jackie. It was my featured tune this year, so salute to Jackie.. R.I.P keyboard don, and salute to you all.
Peace love and happiness

Dawna Lee

Oh.. and carry on up the jungle is hilarious Sunday viewing.. lots of.. ohaaaas.. ridiculous
Sid James to girl.. "Oysters..?? they're rubbish.. I had nine of em last night.. and only five of em worked!!"