A story caught my attention today - and it got me thinking..
Can religion be blamed for the way in which some women are mistreated in homes and nations around the world?
Has religion replaced common sense and humanity?... shouldn't it be the opposite?
If there were no religious scriptures.. how would we treat each other?.
Over the years I've met a few non religious - agnostic - atheist people - and..despite what some may think.. they were pretty nice people. Able to 'function', treat people with love and respect and operate in a logical way... ( no religious doctrine required) On the flip side I've met some very religious people - those who end almost every sentence in praise of their god.. and sometimes.. hmmm. they have turned out to be not very nice folk.
Now this is not a judgement either way. I know everyone has great and not so great traits. Myself included! However... I would say that religion.. (In my opinion) should enhance a person in very wonderful ways...develop an individual to become a person who emits love and has admirable qualities.
Has religion become a screen in which to hide our crap behind?
Do we now exploit our beliefs in the way we now eploit other things?
Can't you go to hell for that?? ;-)lol
My question is.. Should religion be used as an excuse to subjugate/oppress women?
Virginity f*****g tests? pardon the pun... in 2011?? ..am I missing something?
No..That... is not cool.
You can read the Guardian Article here
Yeah I remember seeing this too in Egypt, it's quite disturbing.