Since when did cornrows become a gang related hairstyle?
I'm glad the judge ruled against this school as I think it was blatantly racist to suggest that simple plaits somehow could equate to being in a gang.
It's plaits for crying out loud!!!
Seems to me that exceptions are made for a number of cultures when it comes to school uniform - but if you're of African or Carribean heritage perhaps your 'culture' isn't viewed as credible enough to warrant any adaptions to uniform
I remember many moons ago when I was at secondary school after a while I began to wear a head wrap daily (kept it black to fit my uniform) - they said "take it off!" -I said "Why?.. then ..no!" - asked them why they allowed the Muslim girls to cover their hair but not me - they said take it off - I said no
The outcome wasn't great :-)..
What do you think?.. do you think that when it comes to school uniform everyone should adhere to it regardless - or do you think that reasonable adaptions should be made in recognition of religious or cultural reasons?
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