Whilst I understand Dotuns point.. see voice online up to a point!! - I'm afraid I'm also going to disagree.
I think we need to move away from the need to feel 'better than' other people, and this curious need that some have to prove they're 'somebody' and not a 'raggamuffin' as he puts it... is tiresome.
In my opinion, a teacher should treat all parents regardless of their class, status, educational background or race...with respect.
Stop discrimi-hating!!
If anyone should feel the need to 'prove themselves' at parents evenings maybe it should be the teachers? (I must just point out I don't think that's the point of parents evenings but...)
You're in their school for chrissakes.. it's a bit like inviting someone to your home and complaining they didn't feed you!!
Err.. your house.. do your thing!!
I don't agree that we should look down our nose at the less fortunate among us.. as you can be sure.. someone..somewhere will be looking down their nose at you..
It cant be pleasant!
And bizarrely..It also seems to be the underlying theme of Dotuns article.. the fear and annoyance of being looked down on.
Some parents do struggle at parents evening due to the fact that they may have limited education themselves, feel insecure and unable to express themselves the way they would like to .. and in a way that 'others' would find acceptable.
I don't think a parent should be expected to know a subject inside out to get 'respect' from a teacher at all.. great if you do.. but let's be real about this..
Whilst we as parents really do need to encourage our children in every way
Respect should be not be denied due to social class.
Many children live in overcrowded homes (no fault of their own) many live below the poverty line...again.. (no fault of their own) yet still are able to get to school, and do very well..
If these children then witness their parents being disrespected or disregarded by teachers it could have very dire consequences for that family.
Teachers are paid.. not to judge parents.. but to teach children. Of course we need them to sound the alarm if there is ever a serious cause for concern- but that aside .. we want our children to reach their full potential and exit with the qualifications they will so desperately need for the future..
By the way..what exactly, is speaking more 'white'?
Somebody tell me..
lardamercy!! (oopps...guess I better not be dropping that kinda lingo over the teachers desk!!:)
raggamuffins..can't take 'em anywhere!!!
Nice post.
ReplyDeleteThis post certainly speaks true of how we must encourage our children to be humble and respectful infact this should be their mantra starts from the foundations of a home.........our pre-disposition in life unfortunately leads us to do what is naturally instinctive and thats the judging others because they don't quite fit what we consider to be the perfect mould.....
ReplyDeleteAnd yes teachers are paid to TEACH the children not pass unecessary judgement on certain parents.....but then you have to think who sits on the board of governors????....most likely other well educated parents who in turn think they are in some place of power so can abuse that authority by slating parents from a slightly disadvantaged environment......