Gotta love Dalston on a Saturday afternoon..
I used to think Brixton was noisy but I tell you what .. Dalston'll give B a run for it's money anyday!!
Some militant gospel youths out and about now.. all mic'ed up with speakers!!
Real passionate
A girl made me laugh today..
"People of Dalston!!" she shouted "Listen to me..
Right now you're walking past like you're 'perfick'.. you aint 'perfick'..
You're out there fornicatin', and I want to tell you.. you're going to hell!!"
Just what you wanna hear after a hard working week... ;-)
Picked up 3 packs of saltfish for a fiver.. I think that was a bargain ( probably has the nutritional value of a Nat actually.. I must check that out!)
Anyway..every little helps.. to coin a phrase
Why do those people feel it necessary to lay the heavy guilt trip on us because we like boning?!? It's not like we go out of our way calling them out for being hypocrites for having love children and gay sex.
Your guess is as good as mine Reggie. So much Judgement for one so young! The whole sex = sin thing is a riddiculous notion to me.. what a way to ruin it.. money's ok though... as long as you tithe:-) no tithe.. no entry to heaven!!!
ReplyDeletebless themx
lol at "perfick"! Dalston will always stay the baby brother, Brixton has noise pot built into it's DNA. I've started to see them militant gospel types around deptford market, what's up with that? brightly scrubbed with matching t-shirts, clutching bibles and so serious. soldiers for christ? All I can say is Amen