That the vast majority of our leaders appear to have been schooled there and given the state of our country's economic situation, global reputation, and apparent inability to really provide a meritocratic and non discriminatory society (if they even want that!) I would say.. arguably.. highly overrated.
Maybe we (and I know I’m generalizing as maybe you don’t but for those of us who do.. and the media definitely appear to) should stop ooing and ahhing over these institutions in the way that we do (I do a bit – if I’m honest... but less so now!)
Reason being, for me, education is not just about qualifications. Can’t be, as I’m sure there are a lot of ‘educated’ people who are ...well... quite ridiculous...:)
Maybe local state schools really do need a makeover. Bring in the education equivalent of Gok Wan:)
It may help if these schools really began to believe they are just as good as any other highly funded school in the country – and deliver!
Despite the issues/barriers that our young people face in certain areas ( overcrowding, lack of resources etc) if they can do that…deliver.. and many do.. They will be outstanding in my book!!
I do think that education should also be about learning how to become a decent human being. Learning how to live amongst your fellow man in a way which promotes and induces a love for humanity, and an abhorrence of greed and discriminatory thought and practice, is a wonderful ideal.
Do our government polices reflect that?
Forget class, it doesn’t exist!, only if you make it so. Trust me, click you heals 3 times and say it aint so. It’s designed to fool you, confuse, you, and suppress you. I really doubt anyone who has met me has ever thought about what class I am. Colour yes. It’s the 1st thing people see, How they then treat me, will be both a reflection of experiences they’ve had with people of my colour, and pre conceived ideas they have, beliefs (they may try to suppress) of people of my background, and to be fair that can be positive, or negative.
How they treat me, may also be dependant on what I can do for them, the level of importance they place on what I have to say or offer Possibly..at 1st.. impressions and ideas can change.
(it's food for thought)
Anyway.. I digress!! I read this article and thought, even if this youngster decided he didn’t want to go to Cambridge due to the lack of a music scene would it be so wrong?
Why should he not want a well balance life with varying interests?
(Not sure what I’d say if he were my child but I applaud his courage, conviction and individualism)
Can a person not be intelligent and love rap? – or reggae? or whatever else kind ‘grime ‘music they may be into?
Perhaps, just perhaps, our leaders create policies that discriminate unintentionally.
It can happen. Maybe, they've not had the benefit of a varied life in terms of a diverse social scene and exposure to people from various backgrounds, people who survive without much money to live on.
Maybe they would be more compassionate, if they had friends who had experienced great hardships, fell in love with people who come from poor backgrounds, or people whose father was an east end gangster, eel seller, market trader, mechanic… mother was a waitress, stripper, cashier in Tesco’s.
You understand what I’m trying to say here?
Someone should print a t-shirt.
Logo.."I didn’t go to Oxbridge… but I’m doing O-K!"
Cut me in on the royalties and we’re good to go!!
Is Harvard or Yale overrated?!? That's where the majority of our presidents have come from and just look and see how screwed up our government is.
ReplyDeleteYou know Reggie..
ReplyDeleteI've always seen these places as really amazing institutions of educational! Aspirational, beautiful buildings etc.. and I love listening and talking.. to intellegent folk.. )I'm charmed by it.. somewhat:)but.. something appears to be missing
I'm beginning to see beyond the shadows!!
let love reign :)x