It's becoming increasing difficult to see how we here in the UK can take the moral high ground as a nation against other nations who we may view as un-Democratic and autocratic - when increasingly... here...we 'don't treat our people right!'
Public sector cuts to services that help and support the vulnerable - such as mental health charities will reduce the care they're able to give (at best) and in some cases bring the fantastic work they do to an end (at worst) . To then subject the mentally ill to intense testing and questioning in an almost 'prove you're mad enough fashion' to enable them to continue to receive benefits is callous - to further subject those people to benefit cuts is inexcusable in my opinion... not to mention humiliating.
Is this muscular liberalism - or a country waging an economic and humanitarian war on it's citizens?
This letter to the Guardian paints bleak picture for those less fortunate.. let's hope the government sees sense.

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