The question ‘how do you know if you’re in love’ is one of those questions that is always really difficult to answer – but I thought I’d try anyway and maybe if you feel like it.. you can submit some thoughts of your own!!
I think that when you’re in love you just know with almost unexplainable surety that what you feel for a person is beyond that of friendship and beyond that of mere attraction.
It’s an almost spiritual awareness that engulfs you – cloaks you with feelings of
1. Being in the right place
2. Acceptance
3. Completeness
4 Safety
You know that you can trust that person - enough to share your deepest thoughts.
You enjoy being with that person – and feel a void when they’re not there.
You forgive them their failings - and know that you would never do anything to harm them.
Their well- being becomes equally as important to you as your own.
Despite perhaps having love options or choices... you choose them
No one to you is more beautiful – or handsome in your eyes
You feel – as though you’ve found what you’ve always wanted.
You fancy them like crazy – and they are your best friend.
You may feel sick-confused-elated-anxious-and completely and utterly happy..all at once!
Relationships can be hard work - and can fail if neglected
You have to put in the effort.. but it shouldn't feel like an effort!
Commit yourself fearlessly
With that in mind - I feel its best therefore to start with a strong foundation
What stronger foundation is there than love
Happy SMSx
Yes I do think being in love is a feeling that varies between individuals so therefore no one person can explain the elation the same way......the problem I find is when you fall out of love with someone yet they still hold a torch deeply for you......
ReplyDeleteI agree you have to immerse yourself whole heartedly otherwise you won't find the fulfillment you long in a relationship.
I agree ChilldLeo it does vary.. which may be why it's so difficult to explain..what may seem insane to one person makes perfect sense to another. Feelings of love can be hard to shift.. can be surprising to know who carrys a torch for you!!..
ReplyDeleteNo pain sometimes deeper than unrequited love
I think that the feelings of love you feel for someone aren't necessarily about how you feel when you're with the person; as much as how you feel when you're not together.