There's a term I've heard 'banded' about for a little while now and it gets on my nerves abit..
It's ' The Black middle class'
What is that?
I have never ever thought of myself in terms of what class I am (seems un-couth..not cool)anyway.. why would I?
I doubt that my parents were ever thought of in those terms either. They were.. (in the eyes of many) black immigrants, from the West Indies.
To be honest, at that time they were probably considered the lowest of all that is British, too low to even be allocated a place in the (practically defunct)English class system, until of course it became evident they weren't going anywhere, by which time the powers that be, decided to lump them all together with the white working classes, or 'underclass'... no questions asked; regardless of their education or skills, or 'status' held in their country of origin.
Cool.. 'no problem mon'
So...as if we didn't have enough problems, someone has gone and thrown this complete myth into the pot and stirred well. I alluded to it in my earlier post ( Oxbridge) The reason I say this is because once you're 'black', that's' it. Does anyone really care how much money you earn?.. maybe.. but you're still black. I don't see how 'black people' can ever really fit into the English class system because racism will never allow an accurate representation or level playing field.
Social mobility will usually be made more difficult, because of racism. on average your earnings will probably be less, because of racism, which means that... everyone else would have already ran one lap by the time the starter pistol went off for you... and it's an 800m race!
OK, (I'm not a pessimist ;-)...let's say we've moved on. Some of us have nice jobs, and many earn good money blah blah. that's' great , that's good.. we love that..but.. if we begin to believe that somehow there's a black middle class, it then follows that there's a black upper class, and a black lower class. Is there? really?..Or are there people who despite the injustice, have still made it through.
The majority, for a whole host of reasons,wholly unconnected to ability or aspiration, may not be that fortunate, and I would argue that the road can be traced back to racism and the encounters thereof.
I think that here, in the UK, especially us 2nd and 3rd generation, need not the trappings of 'imagined' hierarchy... we're good thanks.. aren't we?..
It's pretty much the same way here in the States Dawna Lee. I don't think it's so much important how other people view us; just as long as we view ourselves in a very positive light.
ReplyDeleteDoes it piss me off.........yeah. Can I do jack shit about it........no.
I prefer classifications in terms of the vampire squids, the professional classes, the chattering classes, the willful subversives and the great unwashed
ReplyDeleteI agree with you the uselessness of seeking classification in this society (Black and British an oxymoron? vs. perpetual immigrant status?) but we are top-of-the-food-chain social animals and the need for hierarchies, classifications and social profiling is built into our DNA. Have you never looked at someone and thought "damn! how ghetto"? In effect its virtually impossible to exist outside a classification within any society.
To answer your question we're not good
@Reggie I agree with you in that what's important that we view ourselves in a positive light, I also think that we should have some say/more ownership over the terminology used to define us as the discourse is rarely to promote or praise
ReplyDelete@Chrome- Black and British an oxymoron!! interesting- perhaps! vs- remaining forever a 'visitor'/ on the fringes?.. It's complex.. Worth debating, especially as I was born here
I like your reasoning .. but when classifications lie at the root of oppression, victimisation, and inequality isn't it time to reassess those classifications? perhaps..
I do sometimes look or listen to others and think.. damnn!! but it cuts acoss the demo for me.. anyone can get that.. my damns don't discriminate!! ;-)
Seriously though I know you say we're top of the food chain animals but.. I think once people are content with what they have - the aim is to enjoy it isn't it?.. not stop anyone else from getting a piece of the pie, or comparing pie slices!..