Thursday 29 January 2015

Mali Music - No fun alone. & a few random thoughts..


As we are in the grip of winter, I thought I'd post some recent pictures of Montserrat that I was shown yesterday.
If you have a love, maybe you can travel there togteher. Or alone.. it's just as beautiful


I have a thing about beaches and being near the sea.


Question of the day from Ti

" Why don't they make planes out of the same material they use for the black box?.. the box is indestructible..."

My question is.. "why is it called the Black box.. it's not even black.."


Apparently Dippy at the natural History Museum is taking a break. Going on tour I hear.

"Dippy's going on tour and I can't even get a bloody show!.. and Dippy been dead for years..." - Ti

They're taking the P . Quite funny really


  1. Montserrat is a beautiful sounding word , , , i hope you find yourself right there . . on that beach - many times . . with a Huge Happy Grin on your face and plenty of great music - (like this excellent Mali Music . . )

  2. I had the same question about the black box. I was told once that the plane would be too heavy if it was composed of the same material used to make black boxes
