Friday 18 January 2013

Ahead of the snow..

Been a busy week. and I'm glad for the pending two day pause.
Gonna hunker down this weekend.
Its probably advisable to make a quick dash to the library at some point today... as the snow seems to be back on its way, and should I be snowed in.. id prefer to have my books with me.
Watching the skys as though we're in a race..

Just gonna relax, go with the flow, and enjoy
Have a nice day


  1. man! the damn snow! looks very nice from where I'm sitting, but I dread the travel chaos when I try to go home later. Hope you win the race :)

  2. I prayed hard for snow thank goodness....get out clause for pretty much everything today

  3. Oh mannn.. so you did it BC!! :).. I'm about to try navigate central london. snow hat and boots..

    The race is on Chrome

  4. It's supposed to be 70 here tomorrow and maybe 68 on Sunday. I'm hoping to get plenty of exercise this weekend.
