Wednesday 9 January 2013

Psychiatry - A documentary

I watched this a few weeks ago.
I watched them all, not pleasant at all, but very interesting.
It comes in 10 parts.

I'm not sure who made this, or why, but having had to look at Eugenics recently, I still hadn't made a link to psychiatry, and was still relatively unaware that many of those involved in that school of thought were psychiatrists.

Mental Illness is no joke, people really do suffer terribly.
Abuse and exploitation is a concern .


  1. No its not a joke especially when mental abuse is from someone you have lived with for years.....I know a family friend whose beautiful 28year old daughter is still dealing with mental issues she can't shake off its sad to watch...

  2. Not much more valuable than the control of ones own mind.
    Mental Abuse is terrible, exploitation of the ill even worse. It is sad to see
    Yet... nooone seems sure about what it really is.. treat the symptoms but not the cause.
