Sierra Leone, and Senegal... but back to Sierra Leone for a minute.
I'm watching a documentary about the civil war as part of my research. I hadn't intended to focus my efforts on Sierra Leone initially, but somehow, it's crept up on me - it crept up today to be frank, seemingly out of the blue. Oh man, I wanted to go general, but no, typical me, here I go again.
So... I'm working on piecing together British and US involvement,in addition to other interstate actors and getting a clearer sense of why Tony Blair once described Sierra Leone as his greatest achievement.
I'm trying to get to grips with the brutality of the war, the various rebel fractions, which on a human level, through my eyes, isn't an easy task, yet what interests me mostly, is the behind the scenes players that possibly made it all possible, helped to sustain it, then possibly... took credit for ending it.
I am trying to be somewhat detached from the emotional triggers, but... well , one can but try

African American Slaves gave thanks for their freedom at the base of the cotton tree

Yes.. for some time I've wanted to visit Sierra Leone
Call it a calling to go there - if you like..
So how do I feel now?!?...
For some time I've wanted to visit Sierra Leone.....
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