Saturday, 28 September 2019

Notes on Rwanda. It's The Little Things

I think it can be very easy to fall in love with Rwanda.

There's a sense of order, calm and discipline that I like. It's hard to put my finger on it, or highlight one , two , or a few things, so simply put, it's a pretty decent place to be.

Now I know that nothing, and no individual is perfect, but a harmony of being exists, that is admirable.
Now as I mentioned earlier, today is Umuganda, and the shops really did stay shut ( I checked wanting to buy snacks) until 11am, and most people are still cleaning.

I've just been walking around my local area, checked out a sauna place next door, and went in search on travel exchange, and what I can tell you is, there's a fresh aroma as you walk around.

Local pharmacy, health clinics ( I passed two ) and large children playground, all amenities in walking distance, that a community needs.

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