"The Personal is Political" African diaspora political commentary, life-love-and music.
Friday, 30 October 2020
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Monday, 26 October 2020
What we can all learn from Rwanda
That President Paul Kagami was able to unite his country after the genocide and build Rwanda into the beautiful country that it is, is nothing short of amazing.
Over the course of 100 days, almost 1million people were killed.
Do you realize just how horrifc that must have been?
One thing the President did, was abolish the notion of 'Tribes'. All... are Rwandese.
You can learn about the history of Rwanda, across the country, the history of the Kings, Art, music, and of course you can visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial, where once outside, you leave the past behind, and breathe anew.
Many leaders can learn alot from both him, and the Rwandese people.
When you learn the stories of forgiveness, and acts of kindness that occured as part of the truth and reconcillation process, and witness first hand, the commitment of the people to build a beautiful nation, it's an experience you never forget.
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Weekend WOW Factor: Elitism. The Gift that keeps on Giving
African Presidents and Leaders, minus perhaps 'one or two, still hold on to the notion of the African Strong-Man of Politics. The idea that one can rule by force, brute force if needs be.
The idea the caring, or empathy equate to weakness.
The idea that ones standing in life must be superior to anothers, whether earned, or unearned, and woe betide anyone who dares question it.
Whether it's Presidents who claim dubious election victories to cling to power as their country erupts into chaos, or Presidents who appear almost clueless to the pain and suffering of the masses, and prefers instead to appear on camera spouting passive aggresive rhetoric, blame shifting and dubious omissions
Truth is, 'houston, we have a problem'.
Several, in fact there are a multiplicity of 'problems', on the continent.
But today, rather than focus on the global, I want to focus, a little, on the local.
You see, African Presidents did not fall from the sky.
They are a product of their environments.
Often they are educated abroad yes, but in the main, they are from the people they claim to wish to serve.
The stubborn, emotionless behaviour often played out publically on the political stage, was honed, dare I say, in private.
The idea, especially popular in the rasising of the male child, that brutish behaviour equates to strength, is simply, 'learned behaviour'.
We know we as African people have been treated appallingly and our fairly recent History has been of subjugation and murder, exploiltation rape and so on. But we know it, and should therefore never seek to repeat it.
I watched the public outrage as a police office in Nigeria was caught on camera beating a woman. Such was the correct response.... I felt re-assured.
Yet women are beaten on a daily, by husbands or boyfriends in society, and for some reason, it's not considered an issue
In fact, it is often assumed that the woman was at fault, and deserved such treatment.
African leaders know their people.
They know those who can be bought, those who can be sold, and those who may pose a problem.
The third group are often labelled, 'troublemakers'
African leaders know, that in the main, (up until now) they have managed to infantilize their population, by denying access to good education, food, health care, information, and opportunities.
The reason that genuine development is not, and never will be on the agenda for some leaders, is the desire, to remain 'Elite'
Very similar to the reason that some men do not want thier wives to be educated or work... a desire (actually rooted in insecurity )to remain Elite.
Churches are filled with people who also would like to become 'Elite' ( by gods grace of course)
Cloak it how you will.
Everyone seems to want to be the 'strong man', women included
But perhaps instead of strong man - we could give 'good man'... a try
Of course Elitism is not a new phenomina, and right here in the UK, we have those who believe themsleves to be Elite, and will behave poorly as if it were not only a requisite of Elitism, but a brithright.
The idea that they can be questioned, or dare I say, not idolized, appears to fill the so called Elite will horror.
Yet anywhere in the world that you may find yourslef. You will find an Elite class who believe they can only exist via the oppresion of another.
This kind of master and servant relationship dance, will only survive as long as 'non Elites' are able to get by regardless.
Perhaps only if 'non Elites' may use their creativity, skills and hard work to alleviate thier own social standing as they see fit. The two may rub along together
But what is important for African leaders in particular to realise is that, the rich can rarely rest easy as long as the poor remain hungry.
The 'non Elites' may eventually take hold of the Elites posessions, or destroy the lot.
Our 'troubled' Nigeria has no functioning tax revenue system, to be able to provide adequate social services, and even if they did, the people no longer trust the governors, sentators, house of rep or assembly members et al to use the money for social development.... and can you blame them?
No individual will easily submit to the authority of a seemingly corrupt power, Just as no woman willingly submits to a man unworthy of such 'submission'.
That's just how it is.
Continue to be the Strong man of politics, as a country burns to the ground, and one may find themselves standing on nothing but a pile of ashes, where once there was a country.
Elitism, a cute seductress indeed, but not for those of an immature mind or calamatous nature.
Like herpes I suspect, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
We need to balance our energies
Saturday, 24 October 2020
13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix
Now available. on Youtube. A must watch for those who haven't seen it.
Sad, but really highlights how the US prison system works
Friday, 23 October 2020
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Enough is Enough : End the SLAUGHTER of African bodies. #ENDSARS
Last night, the Nigerian goverment unleashed the army on innocent and unarmed protestors in Lagos.
As protestors clutched the Nigerian flag and sung the national anthem, defying the 4pm curfew, the lighting at Lekki toll gate was removed, CCTV disconeected, plunging the entire area into darkness... and at the moment, the army opened fire.
Currently, there are reports of up to 78 people killed.
And it was at that moment, that the 'democratically' led goverment headed by President Buhari, lost all integrity, and the country reverted back, to military rule.
It's no secret that the country has never really been 'united,' rather divided along tribal/ethnic and class fault lines, but last night's appalling act, pretty much buried any chance or hope of a true 'One Nigeria'.
President Buhari has failed to unite the country, failed to deal with corruption, and failed to provide the much needed development the country desperately needs.
Instead, corruption has been normalized, and fear is used to control the people, whilst substantial foreign loans from China.
Remittances from Nigerian's in the diaspora are a lifeline for many citizens in a country with no social services, whilst Foreign NGO's often merely serve as a temporary plaster on what is a gaping wound, with the real beneficiaries being NGO CEOs.
For those who truly care about what is going on not only in Nigeria but Cameroon, DRC, and other oppressed nations, it's time to do something, no matter how small, to bring these so called leaders to account.
What is happening across the continent is genocide, and if we don't care, who will?
Continue to spread the word, support whoever you can, learn more, support petitions and continue to call for a better Africa.
For some cessation is the way.
They no longer believe unity is possible, they want to seperate.
Nigeria and Cameroon are failed colonial experiments.
Ambazonians are seeking freedom. They are being killed daily by Cameroon forces reportedly supported by France.
Biafra want thier freedom, they have suffered greatly .
Freedom is a must.
The failure of any country, to unite the populace, provide security and respect human life renders that country's government no longer fit to govern.
The abuse of African bodies across the globe must stop.
Start at home.
End the abuse, the self hate.
Stand up for what is right, and simply refuse to tolerae abuse of any kind, and do not ... abuse others.
It saddens me that there are those who will step over there african brothers and sisters, only to serve others with pride and dignity.
It's time to put an end to mental slavery.
African are the only group of people who in the main, pray to a 'god', that does not resemble them .
So perhaps it's no wonder, that to slaughter an African, for some, is seen to be of little importance.
Whether dying in the sea, in homes, or on the streets.
Enough is enough.
Nigeria a county awash with lawyers, yet seemingly devoid of law.
Corruption is everywhere, and the giving and recieving of bribes has been allowed to become a part of the culture.
In the end, the true revolutionarys were not who we thought, but they were the silent masses all along, who others had brushed aside as poor cheap fodder.
An 'underclass'.
An 'underclass that in the end, turned out to be the ones with the courage to take a stand.
Amidst scenes of what has become a landmark moment in Nigeria's recent history , there has been so much love on display
and it is such moments of expressed humanity.... which gives us hope.
In this global village, in what began as a protest to end SARS, the youths set aside old tribal barriers,
For they know they wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12(Amended)
Monday, 19 October 2020
'Every day bucket go a well - one day the bottom mus' drop out'
Imagine...If Bob Marley and the Wailers had lived in Nigeria, would they have ben targetted for their dreads alone?.. if so, the world may have been denied the wonders of their music.
In 2020, where dreads are now common-place...Imagine, a country with so much potential, reverting to such negative archaic views of what a person should look like.. or face judgement.
FYI....Wearing dreads is just one of the things that a SARS officer would target about an individual... not in the year 1970+.. not the early days of rastafari, garveyism, or anti colonialism no..
but in modern day 2020.
Imagine the potential that is being denied everyday..
The people of Nigeria have had enough of police brutality, corruption, economic hardship, insecurity and impunity.
They want to be treated as human beings.
We ( our ancestors) know what it's like to be a slave in another man's land.
Now Nigerians have come to the realization that they have technically been enslaved ..... on thier own soil.
and ... enough is enough.
The meaning of the proverb Bob sang so beutifully is just that.
They have said enough. They cannot take anymore.
'Every day bucket go a well...... one day the bottom mus' drop out'
Should the EFF speak more on Dis Nigeria Matter?
Like many others, I have a huge amount of respect for the EFF ( Economic Freedom Fighters) and am often impressed and inspired by their fearliessness, intellectual prowess, and commitment to improving the lives of black south africans post aparthied.
The EFF leadership is formidable
They continue to challenge the alledged corruption of the ANC, and to educate (politically and otherwise) the masses, to enable people to make better choices.
So yes, I am a supporter of the EFF
Dis Nigeria matter o... this one concern me
Earlier this year the EFF released a statement in support of the people of Zimbabwe agaisnt police oppresion, as the people of Zim had begun to protest.
Yet '12 days' in to the uprising in Nigeria, huge in number if compaired to the relatively and significantly smaller protests in Zimbabwe......and the EFF have said very little.
DR Handsome (not his real name) ...
Please correct this matter right away..
Not for the 1st time, but as early as last year, there were numerous reports of xenophobic attacks against Nigerians in South Africa.
Some reasons cited at the time were that Nigerians were selling drugs, taking jobs and other sociopolitical reasons, and atbthe time, Commander in Chief Julius Malema spoke out against these attacks.
But the EFF are publically a little quiet on this matter.
The EFF is a Marxist-Leninist Fanonian Economic Emancipation Movement, which fights for the economic rights of all Africans...
and Julius Malema, an ardent and committed PanAfricanist, well....that's what he says.
We know our minds can be pretty messed up with the self hate and such.. but hearing more from the EFF will help to dispell some of the subconsciously xenophibic attitudes that much of our people still harbour.
To be lukewarm on this matter would be a massive fail
and for those who don't like that which I have said... relax.
You can love a thing... and still tell it the truth
This is 2020.
On Xenaphobia
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Weekend WOW Factor : The Nigerian Uprising
Yes...what a week it has been.
What began as a movement to 'End Sars' (Nigeria's Special Anti Robbery Squad) has emerged as the greatest mass protest in Nigeria's History, in our time.
It cannot be underplayed.
What is happening in
Nigeria, may send shockwaves across the entire continent, and the international
community, with the message that those in power, who abuse power, can only abuse
the power they hold for so long, for when revolutions happen, they are not
unprovoked, but they are, unplanned.
When Omoyele Sowore called for Revolution
Now - days of rage to begin on the 5th August last year, many of us knew that
historically, successful revolutions cannot be printed on a leaflet and
announced in advance. True to form, he was detained by the DSS, and found
himself facing numerous charges, one of which being treason. However, what
Sowore was calling for, in essence, is no so different to what protestors are
calling for now. Perhaps, in his case, having previously been a Presidential
candidate Sowore was unable to garner sufficient support across the board, and
in a country where trust and integrity has sbeen found wanting, one can
understand why some of the people may be skeptical.
Yet something
has happened.
In true 2020 vision y'all, the veil across the eyes of the
masses of Nigerian people has been lifted. Enough is enough. The protestors may
be calling for and end to the brutality and murderous raping nature of 'SARS' (
since disbanded and renamed SWAT) but they are also calling for, good
governance, government, jobs, education, roads, light, and the list goes on
depending on who you speak to.
The emergence of the once sleeping giant, could
also provide encouragement to other oppressed citizens facing coruupt
governments, insecurity, and dehumanising treatment across the continent. The
international community who one could argue benefits from Nigeria and numerous
African countries remaining in a state of disarray may seek to provide
additional support to disfuctional govnerments in order to retain the status
quo. Time will tell. But in the oil rich Niger delta where multinations like
Shell continue to operate, despite the damage to the environment, destruction of the
eco system, whilst the pople remain in excruciating poverty and a state of
insecurity, we can be sure that the international community, silently and
covertly, will be watching. Many of us in the diaspora have criticised our
Nigerian brothers and sisters for being docile, not standing up, speaking up,
for travelling abroad and 'selling out', and whilst some of those criticisms may
be valid... they are standing up now!, they are fighting for thier rights
now!... and that, is what matters. Women came out from proverbial kitchen, front
room, and Buhari's infamously named 'uddza room' to say - enough is enough. The
world watched when George Floyd's life was taken away from him at the hands of a
US police officer, and supported the BLM protests which emerged in the wake of
that incident. However, we cannot deny that Africa's poor world standing on the
international stage, depsite its mineral wealth, empowers the belief that black
lives do not matter.
Peter Tosh once sang,
'no matter where you come from, as long as you're a black amn, you are an
African'.. and it would be fair to say, evidently, that is how the world sees it.
Our motherland is in need of repair. and if the candlelight vigils did not bring
a tear to your eyes check your pulse.
That our sleeping giant woke up should be
celebarted, by all 'panafricanists' and lovers of freedom everywhere. Let us
cook the best meal, and welcome home this prodigal son, and may our prayers be
that those who have died, did not die in vain.
If you have ever enjoyed your
Nija Jollof, danced to your Afro-beats, flexed in your garments, enjoyed the
literature.arts, ever supported Nigeria in the world cup? well...that's all well
and good.. But dont forget to send messages of support to those who are out
there now fighting for freedom. Lovers of freedom everywhere, pay attention. Do
not rely of world media coverage.
Well...the giant woke.
It's happening now.
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Monday, 5 October 2020
Saturday, 3 October 2020
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