Sunday, 19 August 2018

Things fall Apart

I first read this book many years ago, and as I've actually started reading more again, both due to the Book club and simply because I love it, I thought I'd read it again, with fresh eyes and wider perspective, once done I'll complete a review.

I'm especially interested in how those of us in the Diaspora feel about the book. Those whose mother tongue may be English or French, or Spanish, and perhaps cannot speak directly to any particular tribe other than that of the colonisers. If language holds so much significance ( and it does) how do Africans at home square that round hole with regards to identity, identifying, and relating to their kin.

Things Fall Apart tells a simple tale, one which has stood the test of time
Yet is it really that simple.
Yes, time to read it again.

There is an audio book for those who prefer, and want to chime in later.
But you can buy the book [here]

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