I don't mind the rain so much, but it's soooo cold lol
My little fingers nipping even in my pockets, when undeterred, I ventured to the market in pursuit of veg.
Did my maintenance even though I broke my nails past few weeks so they now need time to grow back
Cooked, cleaned, went to see mum, ( didn't get out in the garden) and picked up Ti's xmas gift as he'll be off back to sunny Oz soon
Anyway... this was interesting
Nigeria's Vice Presidential Debate
Not sure how they selected the parties that would take part outside of the two main parties.. but a debate is a great way to go... after all... who doesn't love a Presidential debate :)
Khadijah... candidate of the ANN ( Alliance for New Nigeria) lost the moment she took the stage.. as she bowed to her male opponents.
big no no ... someone should have told her
I guess if you take on board the cultural context of Nigeria with regards to the normalized role of women ( which is why she bowed) , massive respect to the women, who were able to get up and stand alongside these men regardless, and say their piece.
Khadijah is not yet ready.. having said that... still more ready than the man alongside her ... ( Ganiyu Galadima, APCN candidate )
A comment says he belongs in the other room.. ( as made famous by Buhari) or perhaps that was just in my mischievous mind. heehee
The rolling comments were even more engaging the the debate.. :)
Good for Khadijah anyway, she was nervous, not well prepared, and possibly battles with confidence , yet she tried.. got out of her comfort zone, and next time she will be much better
The remaining three each held their own. Peter Obi of the PDP tried to blind us with numerical science.. suspect his figures were incorrect, but who had the time to check them?... no-one!
Prof Osinbanjo remained calm and blamed the PDP, as after all.. he's in office now
but the one that stood out for me was Umma Getso, of the YPP ( young progressives party)
I like her style
On imports...Why is Nigeria importing toothpicks???
Ultimately, they were all asked a different question which makes comparison difficult
Fun to watch tho
Over in London
Theresa May - strong woman
Why does ex PM Tony Blair sound like a calming voice in a storm?
Anyway, think I'll just relax now
Ready to eat.... again :)

Hmmm I wonder what would happen if there was a new referendum...
Lower turnout I suspect..people are Brexit weary

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