Friday, 28 February 2014

Music for Aurora



Northern Lights







Hoping you have a '9ice' evening

That title is as creative as it gets this evening :)

It's Friday..and I'm glad for the weekend break.
Its been a bit full on.
Haven't seen little man for two weeks and I've missed him. So looking forward to seeing his cute little face this weekend ( better get his favourite biscuits in)

Oddly enough, out of the blue, this evening, I feel a little.. well.. blue.. a bit low on energy, and subdued.

It's possible that I'm just tired, so I won't over think it.
I'll just chill.
Why not..


I cant help but love this

Thursday, 27 February 2014

I'd rather have Love.. ft Joe



Cultures shift.. they adapt they change.. yet they remain the same

He says..

"You know, a law is a law, and there is this culture of ours that we have inherited. That our forefathers has been doing.and it has never harmed anyone, and now it has been criminalized, so it is unfair to us"

Have you ever wondered how the practice really came about?
Who ( can we assume..which man ) first decided it was a good idea.. a requirement?
I think that rather than the (almost) fixation and questions on what is cut, and how.. I'm quite keen on the question.. why?.

In my opinion, It's no longer enough to cite 'it's a generations old ceremony', it's a practice handed down by our forefathers' etc..without question.
Yes, there are different types of cutting, so not all with remove the clitoris, but often that is the case.
Reasons given for this practice vary.. e.g
1. Curbing/controlling sexual desire in women and girls
2. Men who are raised in, and agree with this practice, will not marry 'uncut girls' ( severely impacting on the income that a girl would ( on marriage) bring in to her family
3. In sewing up the vaginal area, it prevents the woman from having sex with any man other than her husband, who will penetrate her regardless of the pain ( he can either cut the stitches away or use his penis to force his way through)
4. Some men prefer the feeling.
5. A recent reason I've been given is.. It looks nicer

Do you know, Many women after childbirth, request to be sewn up again, as it feels odd to them to not be. Some say they feel exposed..loose.

Is it ever right to observe the cultural practices of people and seek to change it?
History tells us no.
A change nonetheless that would require an entire shift in the way women and girls are viewed and treated, in certain regions, and would surely require families source their income elsewhere.
Still no?

There are those who will argue that if you ban female circumcision then male circumcision should be banned also.
I don't agree with that argument, one reason is simply because, a circumcised male will still enjoy sex ( possibly even more so ) and the act of circumcision on a male has few long term health related complications (If any), and is not about power, domination, and control.

Yet there's a twist in the tale..
Ironically, here in the 'West' a similar practice is becoming increasingly popular. It's not cheap, and it's given a cute sounding's called Vaginoplasty. But it's cutting none the less..
Western Culture.. perhaps not so different after all
If someone loves you, I promise you that they will love and enjoy you.. regardless of what your fanny looks like.

In that short film above, this was about marriage- as- business.. Love.. (in it's modern guise) wasn't mentioned once.
My question ( if i have one) is.. exactly what does marriage mean .. to you?..and
Is love.. as important as I say it is?

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

In a war zone yet still a woman

On the train today I noticed a poster.
Its tagline read... 'The worst period of her life'.
Included in the ad was a number to text to donate money to purchase and distribute Feminine Hygiene Kits to women in war/conflict zones/ IDPs / and refugees.

Most people would agree that war is possibly one of the worst of human experiences, situations rife with human suffering, but add to that.. being a woman... and being a woman who menstruates.

I have often wondered how women manage in non western rural areas, but over time, and using common sense, had worked that out, yet, then.. there's war.
I hadn't considered that some NGOs distribute what's known as Feminine Hygiene Kits. (Which are also culturally and geographically sensitive). For example, there will be a choice of a cloth, which can be washed and reused, or, what we in the west would call standard regular items, such as sanitary towels or tampons. ( the lack of ability to dispose of such items would make them untenable for many.. hence the cloth)

Anyway, I wondered what else could be in those kits ( also know as Woman/Female Hygiene Kits) and have since found this. This is a kit - distributed by a charity.

Composition of Women Hygiene Kits

The Women Hygiene Kits have a standard/minimum list of items that can cater emergency needs. Additional items according to the need of youth and female members of the community, can be added after their involvement as per resource availability by humanitarian agencies.
The following list of items can be taken as a standard list .

Items list Specification/Number
Sanitary pads/ napkins/ cotton/ small & Large size pads/ 8 Meter cloth - Either one depending upon acceptability of Community
Panties - 3 no - Depending upon acceptability
Soap - 3 bars
Number of items can be reduced according to the family size & possible number of girls/women - and small children
Hair comb - 3 No
Hair oil 300ml
Cream (anti rash/nappy rash) 250g
Antilice shampoo - 160g/ 10 sachets
Washing soap - 8 Bars
Towels - 5 No
Nail cutters - 1 No
Tooth brush - 5 No
Tooth paste - 2 (economy size)
Mugs/jugs/ - 2
Bucket - 2
Chaddar/sheet - (cotton) 2
Dish wash - 2 No
Soap dish - 1 No
Dish wash brush - 3 No bag
1Parachute packing bag
Hair removing cream/lotions One Bottle Optional,

Possible example

Is there anything else you would add to this?..

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

A listening ear and a silent mouth

Sometimes when I'm walking home I quite like to zone out a bit, get lost in my own thoughts. Sometimes I just like to people watch.

Anyway, earlier today I must have been in 'zone out mode' because I bumped into a guy I know, and could barely string a sentence together.
He has had a bit of a rough time in the past with depression or some other mental health issue, but is a very talented artist, and a really friendly guy. I first met him many moons ago when I was on a counselling course, and out of a group of about 10 he's the only one I remember.. or have seen since.

Back then I was toying with the idea of becoming a Counsellor, but when I realised that this particular style of counselling wouldn't give me the opportunity to talk... I knew it wasn’t for me.

I’m a listener, but at some point... ima gonna talk.
I might even want to say... now stop right there!
Anyway, after our pleasantries and an update on how he's doing I said

"Yeah... heart is ealing".
As soon as I said it I thought... what the !?!...
What I meant to say was " Yeah... Art is healing". Instead I ended up sounding like a drunk Jamaican.
I was ill prepared for a conversation

When I’m tired or zoned out, I'm not very articulate. That’s when I really need to be quiet.
Seems like tired or zoned out... I’d make a great Counsellor

Although it was a while ago, I find I do use the skills I learnt on that course... so it was definitely worth it

In the brief moment we spoke he did make me think though.
What he made me think about was mental health institutions. A comment he made, caused me to wonder if they (institutions) perpetuate poor/ill mental health... or promote healing. In truth he implied the former.

My question (if I have one) is, should we try harder to integrate those experiencing ill/poor mental health into regular everyday life... or continue to separate, enabling some ( often the very vulnerable) to live a parallel existence.

In truth I don't know.
I held that thought for 5 minutes.. then I let it go.. and went back to into my zone

Monday, 24 February 2014

Sounds like bed..Zzzz

Struggling to keep my eyes open this evening.
Before I head off to Bedforshsire, I hope you enjoy this track as much as I.
Feels like the the drummers pretty much run this.. coooll:)
Don Jazzy's a pretty good producer
All comes together well, nice..


Saturday, 22 February 2014

Clean Bandit

I think this city looks really great in videos ( maybe I like Urban landscapes after all ) and the Cello.. is one cool instrument.
after the rains, the sunshine has arrived in London..



Friday, 21 February 2014

7 days

What a week ;).
In fact, what a past couple of weeks it's been.
This weekend I'll have to knuckle down a bit, take all the notes I need from a few books before preparing them for return next week, and picking up what I need for my last assignment.
The subject of which seems to vary from a focus on diaspora and diaspora space, to hybridity and creolization.

Think I'm leaning towards the former.
I really can't run from Paul Gilroy forever

I'm tired, and still a little weak from yesterday,(thank you all) but it's okay .. I have a bit of time now, will get some rest then solider on.. Feels better.
My recreational read is 'There was a country', I'm pleased because I've been looking forward to it, and it arrived just yesterday..cooool

Now Craig David (remember Craig?) is the man on my pre- weekend playlist.

So for now, over an out...Enjoy your weekend x




The problem in CAR is economic, says President Catherine Samba -Panza

Catherine states that the international medias focus on religious differences in the Central African Republic, is obscuring the real issues, and the real cause/s of the conflict

'This is not a religious conflict'.. she asserts, it's causes are ultimately economic, of poverty, of exclusion, poor governance, and inequality

Catherine Samba - Panza is only in office for 1yr, and apparently as interim president will not be able to stand for office. Seeing herself as a mother to all, Catherine is confidant she can achieve and fulfill her mandate.

Watch Catherine's interview in full on AlJazeera [here]

Zimbabwe's Pan African Leader

Is 90 today
It's his birthday

Robert Mugabe..

..fought against colonial rule, helped guide the country (Rhodesia) to Independence, and has remained in power ever since. Zimbabwe gained thier Independence in 1980.

Mugabe's land policy was established to re-balance land ownership in Zimbabwe. This policy was controversial then, and has remained so ever since.
Prior to land redistribution, the white minority owned approx over 90% of the fertile land. On Independence, many whites decided to leave the country altogether, although many remained.

When I think of Zimbabwe, I think of the history, the struggle for independence (like South Africa, and many other African states) I think of the freedom fighters and revolutionaries.
So many lost their lives in the pursuit of freedom, some survived.. and lived to tell the tale.

As with all struggles against oppression, there will always be internal battles, differences of opinion, power struggles. It was messy in South Africa, and messy in Zimbabwe.
To say messy is putting it lightly. It was downright awful.
I guess there will be those who would prefer to bury the past altogether, yet does anyone, or any nation, ever really do that. Our histories shapes us.

Zimbabwe’s leader has held onto his Pan African ideals. Some may say he hasn't changed with the times, that he's un-flexible, an autocrat, some even say racist. Yet when you consider the extent of African soil being sold right now dirt cheap ( no pun intended ), would you say some of his fears may be justified?

What would you fear.. if you had fought colonial rule?

Is it right that families, tribes and villagers are being moved of their lands to make way for foreign investors, do you condone what’s now being coined 'villagisation?'
Is it not neo colonial?
Or is it simply.. progress?

Is Mugabe's 'war', a war against capitalism, racism, colonialism.. Western imperialism?
But it's not just Mugabe's 'war' is it.

I've a film to watch.. it's called Mugabe and the White African, which I'm told will impact on me greatly. To be clear, I abhor anyone being hurt, or worse. I abhor violence, yet we can't forget that colonialism was violent, as was/is apartheid. Is there such a thing as a non violent revolutionary?.. sure.
I'll let you know what I make of the film once I've seen it him or loathe him, I would urge people to read a little more about Zimbabwe’s struggles.. after all. What can it hurt?

Happy birthday [click]

Zimbabwe - Written by Bob Marley in honour of Zimbabwe and performed in Zimbabwe on independence day

Thursday, 20 February 2014


I don't eat meat, pork, shell fish, and other sea foods.
I'm not a fussy eater, but some things I just don't eat.. for various reasons
The last time I had Quorn it made me violently ill.
Years later.. and today there was Quorn in my plate.. Just being on the plate has proved enough

Maybe I'm allergic.. I don't know..

But I'm so sick that I'm weak, getting home was a struggle, I made it back on a wing and a prayer
I've got to get to bed to cry and moan.. seriously
Hope I can sleep.. cant type now so forgive my absence

See you when I'm better

Saturday, 15 February 2014

All of me

Jah Cure's voice yearns

I woke up this morning with the sudden realization that the past 6yrs of my life have simply flown by.
I was coming out of a series of dreams but that aspect stuck.

I still feel like I'm in my twenties yet I'm in my 40s.. slap bang in the middle somewhere truth be told. That's not what I see when I look in the mirror necessarily, but I know that things are changing.. plus there's a little bit more boobage, and a little bit more arse. (IMO)

I'm always changing though, in many ways..although some things remain the same. The core.
My children are all in relationships now, so I have to share my time with them much more. But that's how it is isn't it.
As a parent..the focus shifts back to you,(which is okay)

In my dream I had a mini mid life crisis.. Woke up, and decided not today.
It's a fresh new day, time goes by quickly yes, but Its a reminder not to waste it or take things for granted.. not as I interpreted it .. as a reason to panic.
Out of the blue, I felt a bit insecure I guess, not sure why.
But it doesn't matter.
Besides..I have way too much to do today to dwell on it..
We're all complex sometimes aren't we

Happy Saturday all x


thanks Jah song for the morning

Friday, 14 February 2014

Charlie Brown * Cornel West

Hope you've all had a lovely day, appreciating existing loves, discovering new ones, or simply enjoying the feeling of what will be when love comes knocking

It's been a busy week so I'm sooo pleased to be able to chill now, on what remains of this Valentines Day


On another note.. I'm loving Team GB's performance at the Olympics!!! Whoopp Whoop..Go G.B!!

ft Studio 1 - Music for Lovers

Happy Valentine's Day! xx







and a boy..




Thursday, 13 February 2014

Wake the town and tell the people..

So growing up, who was pretty much my favourite DJ?

Well U Roy.. of course...


I had a pet dog. In truth he ended up being everyone's dog.
I had badgered my sister and she smuggled in a puppy, which we thought we could hide from my mum and dad until he grew up.
That lasted under an hour
'What's that noise.'
'Is darg you have up in the house?
'Apparently I never took him for walks.. and my brother did
'He's not your dog anymore.. you don't even walk him..'
'shut up!'

Anyway. His name was Prince Jazzbo. My eldest brother named him.. after the Jamaican DJ.
My mum never quite got it and called him Jasper for ever.

He was so playful, undisciplined and spoilt. So cute, but he'd jump on visitors and lick them, run down the road being chased by my brother, and try make friends with everyone.. he fell out the bedroom window once, and broke his paw, used to eat my mums flowers, dig up her radishes and other vegetables, mess on her lawn and every day my mum argued with him and tried to chase him under the kitchen table.

But I can honestly say.. as heartbroken as we were, I think it was my mum who felt it the most when he went.


'I Roy you a boy.. move out di way cause you imitate the great U Roy
..come come trouble Prince Jazzbo..
Prince Jazzbo never trouble you...'

Buzz Lightyear

Yesterday, a friend pulled me aside, and told me that a mutual friend of ours had died. I was shocked.
We had mentioned him only a week or two ago, wondering how he was. At that time I was explaining to her that I hadn't seen him for awhile, but that out and about on a work mission I had got lost (in my local area) looking for a community centre, and as I stopped to gather my bearings I heard a voice say.. 'Hey'.. I turned around and there he was. Turned out that I had stopped, outside his house.

The back story is that he used to live across the road from me for many years, I was in my twenties when I first met him, then many years later, he moved away .

I was happy to see him Autumn last year
I had always know him as a highly intelligent man.. a man with high expectations - a vanguard kinda guy. Life...I don't know sometimes.

Anyway, we chatted for awhile then he pointed out where the community centre I was looking for was - I thanked him, we shared a laugh, then we bode each other goodbye. It felt good to see him.
I didn't realise that would be the last time..
I'm grateful I got 'lost' that day.

I asked Ti last night if he remembered him
'Buzz lightyear?? of course .. how you mean..with that tasty fish he made us.. probably the most tastiest food ever step foot in this house..'
The cheek of it made me smile.. but I then had to tell him the news.

So, today, I wanted to mark it in some way but I don't want to be, or feel too sombre. My memories dance around in my mind sometimes and it's sad to think. His children have lost thier father, a mother a son.. and so it goes on. So sad yes, but there's a bit of that at the moment so I'll try something else.. he wasn't a sombre guy.. he always had a smile, and always had time

'So Hey!..'

'I'm so sorry to hear you've..'

'I'm just glad I got to ..'


'One.. last..'

'on my way to the..'

'Thanks...for making us..'

'You did your absolute...'

'and you did..'

'Thanks for being such a good..'

'and for the best fried...'

'..that little Ti, had ever tasted..'

'You will be missed..'

'To infinity..'


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Big Youth and Tarrus Riley - Love Situation

Big Youth used to scare me.
Growing up, I used to hear his music and feel afraid. Yet still oddly drawn to the track that unnerved me the most..'Hit the road Jack'
His voice, his mouth of gold teeth... gave me the shivers.

Musically, he is a legend ..

His work is iconic, and its nice to hear him guest starring on Tarrus's new album . But for now.. let's take a trip down memory lane and shine a light on - the one who scared me yet grew on me.

Big Youth.





I'm searching for the instrumental of this track - it's a great piece of music. I like it. Especially the brass

No one screams quite like Big Youth


Tracks taken from the new album Love Situation


UK Floods floods and more floods

The Flood situation across the UK is really pretty bleak. There were severe weather warnings again today, and for those floods hit areas, there is really no let up.

To experience flooding for one day must be tough..
But to have to endure that situation for days and days.. and for what could be months?.. I can only sympathise. That's awful.

I’ve never given much thought to flood defences before, but the environment agency seem to be blaming government cuts, and the government at one point attempted to blame the environment agency for giving poor advice. I don't know.. all I know is to be surrounded by rising water like that must be quite frightening.

I'm a Londoner, but I don’t think I ( or even us Londoners ) should be too complacent

I think it’s worth paying attention to what’s happening across England, and whether or not dredging the rivers would have prevented much of this as has been stated.

Especially as this little Island is surrounded by water!

Beautiful and scenic parts of the country knee deep in water. Homes destroyed. It’s heart-breaking for those going through it.

Englands Floods - Everything you need to know [click]

UK Floods could last for months [click]

Monday, 10 February 2014

On the playlist. Chrisette Michele




Stuart Hall

Stuart Hall, cultural theorist, died today.
Guardian obituary [click]

With the ability to articulate the postcolonial and diasporic experience, Stuart Hall shone a light on the importance, relevance and significance of cultural studies, postcolonial studies, on identity, race and racism.
He did so from a position that many of us can relate to.
That I can relate to.
That position.. at the margins, yet crucial in reshaping attitudes, and life in modern Britain and beyond.
He gave rise to the voice of the subaltern.

Stuart Hall was born in Jamaica to an aspiring, and 'middle class' family. Watching the film The Stuart Hall Project last year, I thought of the opportunities that his gender and mixedness may have awarded him… of the ways in which his life would have been impacted by those seemingly unimportant themes. Themes that many will cast aside now as constructed, irrelevant, yet themes which maintain the power to shape lives.. political realities.
He didn't dismiss them...
and neither should we

Neither did he attempt to remain silent on the position in which he spoke from. He was aware, very aware, and articulated his positionality often. He didn't shrink from exploring and discussing from whence he came, or from that often painful task of deconstructing identity, the black subject, the white subject.

I liked Stuart Hall
His voice was soothing and melodious. He loved music, you could tell. His countenance remained that of boyish youthful charm. A man at ease talking about Rastafari, Reggae, Marxism, or his much loved Miles Davis
That hybridic diaspora vibe that I love so much

I was aware he was unwell, aware that he had been undergoing dialysis for many years.
Aware he was an elder. But still, I am sad, and will miss him, knowing he is no longer here.

To say that Stuart Hall was an academic would be reductionist. Yes, he was, and a very fine one at that... but he was, by far, so much more.

"If the black subject, and black experience are not stabilized by nature or some other essential guarantee, then it must be the case that they are constructed culturally, historically - politically, and the concept which refers to this is ethnicity. The term ethnicity acknowledges the place of history language and culture in the construction of subjectivity and identity, as well as the fact that all discourse is placed, positioned, situated, an all knowledge is contextual" - Stuart Hall -

On BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs Interview

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Some may say that makes me shallow..

Out and about today I noticed a few special gift parcels.

Wrapped beautifully in one particular store was.. a teddy bear, some kind of chocolate looking thingy, and perfume.
OOh Yummy
How lurvely
The commercialization of love.. ( or just a reminder to not be so freakin' mean and cold hearted?!)
'Do we need reminders?'
'Some do..have you seen the news lately?'
'But it's really just capitalism..exploitation.. sellers don't give a s**'
'Shut up!'
Yes you've guessed it..
Valentine's day will soon be upon us
Not surprisingly or surprisingly depending on your perception of me, I like things like that. I find it romantic and very sweet.
More so, or especially when, bought and given with genuine affection, and nowt more than to tell a person you love them, and to see them smile. ( not bought under duress, or false pretences!.. no, that aint sexy, or cool, at all)

love it or loathe it.. will you escape it?

Not everyone's romantic, and that's fine.
..and different people express their affection in different ways - and that's okay too
Often in partnerships, one person's romantic and the other isn't. And often the unromantic one 'wins out' ( sometimes souring the relationship for years, until the flames of passion in the other slowly withers to a light flicker before going out completely and turning to grey ash)
Each to his or her own

But.. drumroll please.. I am..
But it really can be a complex thing - desire and love. It peaks, dips, peak, dips, and like sexual arousal , one wrong word or move and the whole thing can come crashing down - maybe not completely, but for that moment in time.. at least.

Being romantic, or enjoying a day like Valentines day doesn't mean you lose sight of what's 'real', and it doesn't have to mean you've sold out
It may mean that you've simply decided to shape your reality the way you'd like it to be
aka - nicer.
Ironically, it seems to be aimed more at single people.. have you noticed?

Anyway - Some may say - 'oh that's so shallow Dawna'
'there she goes feeding in to those female stereotypes...'
'really?!.. and.. am I?!
hey.. naughty me..
what can I say..
I don't know somemaysay anyway ( heard he's quite a boring chap :)

And for the record - I have days when I am so NOT feeling romantic.
..and yes..sometimes it is bullshit. (for show) but it doesn't have to be
trick is to know the difference #justsaying

Wiki - What's the history of this Valentines day thing [click]


Happy Soulmate Sunday all x

Saturday, 8 February 2014

High Octane - Sochi 2014 Olympics

The winter Olympics have begun in Sochi, and so far I've witnessed some amazing and impressive skills. Some sports are not for the faint of heart. . high octane, and great to watch

I've really enjoyed the Luge so far

and am definitely looking forward to the bobsleigh.

Ice hockey's always fun but I haven't seen any yet

But I've seen a little of the ladies freestyle

From as far back as I can remember politics and the Olympics have gone hand in hand, and the dominant political conversation this year seems to be Russia's 'anti gay stance'
Apparently some countries boycotted the opening ceremony to make a point
I guess we select our battles.. (then camouflage them)
People play sports, people are political

For many, these games are life long dreams realised, years of hard work and sacrifice.
Just saying
Gotta admire that #Iadmirethat

Knock Knock

Beautiful days.. savor your Saturday

Can you believe it. The back door's open, and a nice Spring-like breeze has decided to visit. Not sure how long it will remain, but it's nice - right - now, and surely a taste of things to come.
I love Spring. It's my favourite time of the year.

Now I've completed all the housework chores I intend to do today, which leaves me some time to read, and catch up with the news.
Ti's performance went well last night apparently, apart from a slightly dodgy PA system, but they're all quite happy with it, so I may ask they begin the garden work front and back that needs doing. :)
I may even recruit Ti's girlfriend onside too. ( teamwork)

So what to listen to on beautiful and chilled days like this?






gosh.. Common sure is phine






...and here comes the

On friendships or betrayal

Had a nice evening out with a friend last night and the subject of trust came up.
I barely slept last night and up early (ish) this morning

When so called friends betray you, it can be one of the worst experiences. For someone to breach a trust that was established, or bond you felt you had, often leaves one with many questions, and always more questions than answers.
When you discover the extent of the lies, and you realise how just long they were lying for it's even worse. To know that those same people may even pride themselves on being truthful, and demand honesty and openness from others is almost laughable.
To witness how badly they behave if they feel they've been wronged, and hear of the the accusations they make, (which in truth is often just projected guilt) is disgusting.
But you learn that it's not uncommon, and the extent of betrayal always varies. Could be minor, could be major
I think what hurts most is the intent.
Sometimes it's deliberate.. and you wonder.. hmmmm

Anyway, it was nice to be able to clear the air

At one point I think I may have looked a bit perplexed as my friend simply said..
'people should choose better friends.. at the very least.. choose friends they can trust'

That was funny

I don't know anyone who seeks out, or desires friends they can't trust ( unless they're a bit 'sadomasochistic' - so to speak) but even if they are, they should just be upfront about it from the very beginning.
I think when you meet people, or at least when you seek out someone to elicit a friendship from them, be honest about who you are. That way you give the person the option of whether to build a friendship with you or not, they know what they're getting.
They know whether to take you seriously or not, and whether they're required to keep a guard up , or not. They can make an informed decision.

Otherwise it's deceitful
But it says a-lot about the deceiver

I don't know anyone who is always totally truthful myself included, ( don't believe me?.. how many times has someone asked you how on are on a day that you feel like crap and you say/.. 'oh i'm fine thank-you!.. and smile for good measure lol) but some take it by far to a whole LOWER level

* I think most people like friends who they know that whatever happens... they're got their back.. even if they fall out from time to time. Frienenemies need not apply
But as my friend said.. you either sort it or forgive it and forget it

Enjoy your day all x

Thursday, 6 February 2014

This post

Would it be fair to say that alot has been said about Miley Cyrus over the past few months or more?.

From discussions regarding her 'inappropriate for children's viewing hyper sexually charged videos' - to the 'Twerking' fiasco.
The 'reincarnation/re-creation/reinvention' of Miley has been a hot topic for many
Miley grew up, and got sexy.
And she's a 'girl'.
Well, this post, isn't about any of that.

But I will say this about Miley.. [today]

She's a pretty good actress and singer, and this is a pretty nice song.[To me]
That's it. That's all.

Bunny Rugs - Third World

The lead singer of the Reggae group Third World has died.
William Clarke aka Bunny Rugs was a much loved well respected singer with an amazing voice

Billboard News [click]

Third World are known for fusing Reggae with a host of other styles and genres of music
Third World were very quickly known by me as 'the International Band'
Mr Clarke once described the band’s identity..
“Strictly a reggae band, no. Definitely a reggae band, yes.”

I posted a few tracks from Third World a few months back, but in memory of Bunny, here's a reminder





an old fav of mine. The vocals and harmonies are amazing


RIP Bunny Rugs


The Band back in time

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Spotlight on Saul Alinsky

Saul Alinsky - Writer and Community Organizer


* RULE 2: of 12

“Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)





The Democratic Promise - [Documentary] Saul Alinsky




His Legacy



Organic Intellectuals - Here Come the Kings

Antonio Gramsci on the
Organic Intellectual

Organic intellectual was a term first used by Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks, written between 1929 and 1935. The organic intellectual is an individual who promotes the best interest of “the people,” a term usually designated for the lower classes, and does not perpetuate the hegemony of the dominating class.

Gramsci’s organic intellectual is one who minimizes speaking to the masses and engages him or herself “in practical life, as constructors, organizers, ‘permanent persuaders’ and not just a simple orators” (Crick 129). The organic intellectual becomes actively involved with the people and does not necessarily try to distinguish him or herself from the masses. Active participation trumps mere oration. Organic intellectuals are born in separate and distinct communities, and help to promote the best interest of their specific social groups (Crick 128). The main goal of the organic intellectual is to pierce the hegemony that benefits the dominant social group and holds down the masses.

Exhibit A - Morgan Heritage