Saturday 12 February 2011

As the World Implodes...

As the Government sabotages its own Big Society..with an ill conceived fiscal strategy
As Local Councils panic
As Egypt celebrates.. perhaps somewhat prematurely
As an elderly woman tackles robbers with a mere handbag whilst younger 'folk' look on
As a section of our young people look in the mirror and 'duck for cover!!
As China's economic grip over Africa increases
As the rich get richer..
and the poor get poorer...
I sit in my favourite spot overlooking 'the garden' ... and struggle to write this blessed assignment..

Well...because Ali Campbell sung his version of Kingston Town on last night's BBC4 Reggae Britania Season and captured a tiny section of my heart in the process...
It's been a while since I've watched anything so that was a pleasant surprise I must say..

Now I've decided I want him to sing to me when I get married..
Presumptuous of me? ... maybe
Shallow?... again - maybe
But who cares??
You see the World implodes... you tend to focus more on things that really matter - and my happiness... is at the top of that list..
(okay - and yours least I hope you would wish that for yourselves - as long as it doesn't involve stepping all over someone else..right!!) so if you run into Mr Campbell... let him know... he has a special invite from Dawna x

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