Sunday 6 February 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

Hey y'all..
I'm on a China tip today..

This year 3rd Feb saw the start of the Chinese New Year.
This is the year of the Rabbit( please correct me if I'm wrong)

Word has it that this year will be a placid year!!.. a congenial time where diplomacy , international relations and politics will be given a front seat again.
It's also been mentioned that law and order will be lax, rules an regulations not rigidly enforced and many of us will make money without too much labour and enjoy a leisurely lifestyle... ( Big Society?.. I'm not sure this is how Cameron sees it!) it's said we will act with discretion and make responsible concessions..

You still with me???
I read this somewhere when I was researching CNY...don't ask me why..

Sounds nice.. doesn't sound much like life in the UK after spending cuts but you never know..
maybe everyone will get so sick of fighting that well start to chill out.. live in tents.. smoke and get laid like in the 60's... but the 60's was also a time of great change.. activists and marches... hmmmmm

Anyway.. here's something that may amuse you...
Born in '68( that was a great year wasn't it...) my sign is... the Monkey! - I am... they say...a monkey girl... very intelligent and able to influence people..
elegant and beautiful with a love of stage lights... I can hear you laughing..
I laughed too... trust me.. there's much much more...
fun to read though.. check yours out if your that way inclined..

You know, there are many great qualities, skills, and knowledge that exists in Chinese Culture
Let's hope they play home and on the worlds stage.. moving forward

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone
I nearly signed off M.G but if you say that to me I may have to hurt youx
Now.. stop distracting me.. I have to study

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