For the West it definitely re-wrote the script on heroes and villains...
The media created a new hate figure in a faith once regarded as relatively peaceful.
For the west Muslims became the ones to watch... and for a day or two Black Caribbean’s & Africans were off the radar.
Yet not completely.
The frenzy that gripped us all was one of fear and suspicion
For a lot of people the question was why?
Blair and Bush claimed they had the answer.
I remember the London bombings, and having to take the bus a few days later.
I sat opposite a black lady and at the next stop a fully robbed very tall traditional Muslim man got on... (With a rucksack can you believe it?) and sat down next to me.
I looked straight at the woman opposite me. My face must have said it all... and she got it...our eyes locked!!.. then.. we smiled at each other... because if anyone should know better... it should be us!!
I remember thinking how I wouldn't have looked twice at him before. I also remember wondering if he never watched the news, and how stupid and insensitive it was of him to be carrying a bloody rucksack!
Such is the power of the media
Britain has a problem in that it appears to support extremists in some countries... yet not others.
Then there are some who were force fed the notion that 1 man was responsible.
Almost overnight... it was right and good to be Christian... and anything else..evil and wrong.
Truth is... if the choice was to select either side? I’d leave them both.
The attacks on the world trade centre was one of unimaginable horror. As I watched it on TV like most people, it took awhile for the reality of what I was watching to sink in. I was at work when it happened, and I remember the sky went extremely dark... (Previously it was a nice clear day) I never understood that.. how bizzare
I checked the skies a lot after that... expectantly.
Of all the images that stuck in my mind over the days it was this one...
I remember thinking how brave he was... and wondering at the time if he'd ever get out alive...
Thankfully, I heard he made it out...

All the services were pushed to the limit that day, yet for some reason, it's the images of the firefighters that touch me the most...

A lot of wonderful innocent people lost their lives that day...
10yrs on... did Blair and Bush really have the answer, and if so... what was it?
Did 9/11 change the world?.. or simply uncover what was already there
My thoughts go out to those impacted on the most..
I'm a Londoner..just a regular London girl.. I suspect if I were American this post may be completely different
If 9/11 taught us anything.. surely it's that we need to live in peace.. with each other
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