Sunday 18 September 2011

The male midlife crisis: A woman’s perspective..

Over the years the male midlife crisis has been associated with random purchases of leather jackets, old men dating women young enough to be their daughters, and the buying of a red Ferrari.

Not much has been said about what’s actually behind these seemingly peculiar actions other than a fear of growing old.
Not much has been said about feeling unsure of where they’re heading in life. Feeling as though they have not achieved all they had hoped, feeling as though they are running out of time to achieve their dreams. Feeling like a failure, especially if it appears that other men have achieved what they would have wanted for themselves. Feeling as though they have been left behind.

Not much is talked about in terms of financial stability, or the lack of it, Job security, or the lack of it, relationship, or lack of it. Then there are those who are battling with issues around sexuality, feeling as though they should perhaps have enough courage to come out, but still feel trapped in the fear of the unknown.
I’ve watched a few men battle with what appears to be the male mid life crisis and
Whilst it’s painful to watch someone experiencing inner turmoil, there’s another part of me that thinks... Pull yourself together.

For women it’s quite different. Women are bombarded with images, and expectations from day one. Women have to adjust who they are on a regular basis. Mother, daughter, friend, lover boss; women are expected to be soft and genteel, yet tough and durable. Women are accustomed to watching their bodies change over time, or as a result of life events, they have to be flexible with regards to work and income changes, they often shelve their dreams, to support their partners or families, are often overlooked, and underappreciated.
Women experience.. ‘Life Crisis’. It occurs at any age. When you’re young you worry about your looks. When you’re older you worry about your partner looking elsewhere.

So, any man experiencing such a crisis, my advice would be... talk to a woman. She knows!!.

1 comment:

  1. I like your last comment Dawna men talk to a woman. Funny isn't it when a woman is going through stuff she immediately seeks advice from another female but sometimes it pays to get a male's perspective and a male advicing another male could be so subjective that it would only lead them up shit's creek without a paddle!!!
