Thursday 22 October 2015

Suffragette.. ft Jamie Lawson - I wasn't expecting that

So I took myself to the movies. Been awhile
I love going to the movies.
I went to see the film suffragette.

It's quite a moving film truth be told. If you decide to watch it, there are parts which will have you quite tearful to be honest... at times angry, shocked at the brutal nature in which women were treated back in the day.
It's an interesting reminder, well documented and well acted..
In watching the film you may come to realize truth be told that for many women and girls in many parts of the world, life remains pretty much the same to some degree. Young girls sexually exploited by old men.. mothers unable to really do or say anything about it.. why?, because often times.. it brings in much needed money. And they may believe it thier only option.

What was even more interesting is at the end credits, you are given a list of various countries and the years in which women were granted the right to vote

..did a quick internet search and this came up

1893 New Zealand
1902 Australia1
1906 Finland
1913 Norway
1915 Denmark
1917 Canada2
1918 Austria, Germany, Poland, Russia
1919 Netherlands
1920 United States
1921 Sweden
1928 Britain, Ireland
1931 Spain
1934 Turkey
1944 France
1945 Italy
1947 Argentina, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan
1949 China
1950 India
1954 Colombia
1957 Malaysia, Zimbabwe
1962 Algeria
1963 Iran, Morocco
1964 Libya
1967 Ecuador
1971 Switzerland
1972 Bangladesh
1974 Jordan
1976 Portugal
1989 Namibia
1990 Western Samoa
1993 Kazakhstan, Moldova
1994 South Africa
2005 Kuwait
2006 United Arab Emirates
2011 Saudi Arabia3
NOTE: One country does not allow their people, male or female, to vote: Brunei.
1. Australian women, with the exception of aboriginal women, won the vote in 1902. Aborigines, male and female, did not have the right to vote until 1962.
2. Canadian women, with the exception of Canadian Indian women, won the vote in 1917. Canadian Indians, male and female, did not win the vote until 1960. Source: The New York Times, May 22, 2005.
3. Women in Saudi Arabia will not be eligible to vote until 2015.

Women's right to vote in Nigeria 1958 Right to Stand for Election.. 1958.. when will the masses be ready to accept a women president?.... you tell me
I wasn't expecting to be as moved by the film as I was..

They were some serious brave women


  1. I really want to see this film. That list is fascinating.

  2. I'm looking forward to this movie. British suffragettes were treated much more cruelly than suffragettes in Canada, the US, Australia, etc. But they were also much more radical and willing to employ violence in their protests. As the list says, (white) Canadian women obtained the right to vote in 1917 but that was federally. Provincially, female suffrage was obtained first in Manitoba in 1916 and in Quebec, not until the 1940s I believe (due to dominance of Catholic church).

    1. Interesting.
      Yes they did deploy very radical and what may be classed today as 'terroristic'' means. It never ceases to amaze me just how cruelly women (and children) were treated.

  3. My grandmother Myrtle MacBeath worked for the right of women to vote. I remember hearing once that she was jailed for protesting in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, but I have no way I can think of to verify that. Canadian women got the right to vote federally in 1917, if they were British, war widows, or had husbands, fathers, sons, or brothers fighting overseas. When Robert Borden became Prime Minister in 1918 he introduced a bill extending federal voting rights to all women, except aboriginal women (1960). Women in PEI obtained the right to vote in provincial elections in 1921; this right was obtained at different times in different provinces. We have a long way to go in this world to achieve equal status for women. What bothers me right now is the ongoing attempt to limit access to birth control and abortion for women, including right here in Colorado, USA, where I live.
    Happy weekend, Dawna! Your posts are thought-provoking, as always.

    1. You know in the past ive never 'connected' with the movement in the same way. Our struggle was slightly different. But we are fortunate indeed for the sacrifice and bravery of those who have gone before us. I appreciate and am grateful.
      Still a way to go. It's complex.
      Hope you've had a great weekend!
