Tuesday 10 November 2015

Words before bed

From once source, yet so different
Our thoughts and opinions may differ
Yes, often they do
What brings us joy..makes us smile
The things that motivate us
And that which dulls our passions

I like metropolitan ice cream..
Do you?...
I'm not a fan of chocolate cake..
But cheesecake I adore
It's true

What you want from me... I may not have to give
But to ask, fairs better than to attempt telepathy

Maybe..I will have it tomorrow

What you want for me, may not necessarily be what I want for myself
..and I'm okay with that

The way you see me, may not necessarily be the way I see myself..
I can accept that

What you think I should have, be entitled to, or want
Is not as important as what I think I should have, be entitled to or want
I cannot dream your dream...And visa versa

If great minds think alike.. does the same hold true of the not so great?

I wonder about beauty, and how it's measured.

I wonder if the pen really is mightier than the sword. If words more powerful than silence

Who I know myself to be, you may never accept

I'm okay with that too

The me that is unknown.. never try to claim knowledge of it.. it will always remain elusive, and somewhat out of reach..

Perhaps..even to me
The unknown can never be known

There is great diversity across the African continent
On my street...
Great diversity worldwide
Yet the majority of this.. we may never really see

I guess

Night x.

1 comment:

  1. What you want for me, may not necessarily be what I want for myself
    ..and I'm okay with that

    A standout from this beautiful poem
