I enjoy a bit of pomp and ceremony, like most people, and shared a giggle when one parachutist landed on his head ( he wasn't harmed .. so don't worry - I'm no sadist)

As many South Africans celebrate the inauguration of their president , I reflected briefly on some of the issues that continue to bedevil the content.
There are many great things taking place across the continent, but prevailing issues often overshadow the good work that is being done.
China - 'the father of our modern Africa', has showcased what having a strategic plan and good head for business can do, but this father is not there to teach or protect.
Xenophobia - tribalism - corruption - colonial mentality - poverty - lack of education - poor health care - unemployment - kidnapping - jungle justice - child marriage - gender inequality - little manufacturing - poor infrastructure - lack of security - are all areas that require action.
Eastern DRC have been battling Ebola for months now, yet nevertheless less, fighting continues, fighting which most of the world, now seem to have become immune to.

Many Nigerians are disgruntled as what they consider to be President Buhari's preferential treatment of Fulnai's - further agitated by the Federal government's sponsoring of a Fulani radio station.
I can see both sides of the debate - but ultimately these ethnic divisions are getting out of hand..
The OAU had a vision, and despite the rocky roads, I do believe that change is on the horizon. To be fair, it could go either way - either a change for the better as more and more people grow in their conscientization - or a descent into anarchy.
The increase of suicides in Nigeria has ranked it the third leading cause of death
At some point it may be useful for serious investment into mental heath services, and an overhaul of how we think.

Yet here's a funny thing
Africans in the diaspora tend to have a very different view of the continent. There is a romanticisation of the motherland, that I believe can only be fully appreciated by those who have never had to endure the reality on ground.
A child taken from its mother will always love the mother
Yet that romance serves a useful purpose - in order for positive change to occur - one must first have a beautiful vision.
Happy Africa Day!
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