Sunday 6 April 2014

TD Jakes - Lady

I like TD Jakes.. and he has a good sense of humour.

I like him for many reasons.. a less obvious one being that every so often, he will say something, or do something that irritates me, and reminds me he's a man (a person with faults too) .. which is good.. essential actually. Healthy.
Plus he doesn't pretend to be perfect
His words are encouraging, and I think often resonate, regardless of ones 'religious/ or non religious' beliefs

I first came across Jakes by 'accident'.

I was in a book store many years ago on Stokenewington High Street, and I came across his book [click] read it, and loved it.
I lent it to a colleague... just because I liked it, and I wanted to share. She cried, as it turned out she was having marital problems and the book was a huge comfort to her.
I didn't know she was having any problems.. after all.. she hadn't been married 3 months.

I liked her .. she was like me in many ways.
When I started working at that particular place, I was in my late 20s/30s, and she was 40.. I was gobsmacked, as she looked the same age as me. She was cute, funny, fit, young, and smart. ( not tryna say that's me or anything.. )

That moment changed my views on age forever.

I'll revisit that book when I have time.. see how I feel

the band sound great at the end btw.. cool drummer

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