Do we need more women world leaders?.
Do men find the incongruity of a soft feminine and sexy female also possessing a strong dominant side difficult to fathom?
It's often thought that if women were in power there would be less wars - more peace more understanding - a fairer and more equal society.
*Apparently men and women posses a 1% biological difference. 99% of our genetic make up is the same - yet that 1% x/y chromosome is so powerful that we can at times seem like a completely different species.
*Apparently the oxytocin we produce which has a calming effect when we're under stress - is boosted by estrogen yet blocked by testosterone. ( which is why woman may also be more prone to falling in love than men) So - it's thought that we - as woman - will look potentially for a calm resolution to conflicts - whereas men may growl - then opt to fight.
Yet there are some woman in power at the moment - and to be honest I don't see much difference to the world. Let's not kid ourselves therefore that woman really will seek peace in the ways that we would imagine - or that power will even possess equal value.
However - Margaret Thatcher took us to war in the Falklands didn't she? (rightly or wrongly)- I suspect that if we looked into it historically we could find several women leaders fiercer than any man could ever imagine. I'd say Thatcher was tougher than any leader we've had wouldn't you?..
Maybe - it's not just men who find it difficult ( the idea of a soft - feminine - sexy - yet strong - fierce - and powerful woman) maybe women struggle with it too..
Do we need to look more like blokes to be taken seriously? by both women and men?
Do we need to act even more feminine for men to 'do us a favour' and listen?
equally - to not scare - or unnerve other females?
*Ancient Matriarchal Kingdoms were replaced by Patriarchal systems - and the story of women represented throughout scriptures through the eyes of man..
Yet the differences we have are also our attraction. Maybe what we need is more recognition of our real qualities and equal respect for them to create a sense of balance. Whenever I hear of a male leader behaving badly I always say - 'humph.. I wonder what his wife said to him about that!!.. can't see his wife letting him get away with that!!' and my mum will give me a look like .. this girl ( even though I'm a grown woman mum still gives me that look..)'you're really not married yet!..I can tell!! good luck with that..you haven't got a bloomin clue..!!' sometimes ( exasperated as she may be she'd say) what can they do??... you think they listen to them?? ...probably lob off their head!! (I said that) 'but Dad listened to you' I'd say..
'Ok Dawna!' she'd say
and that would signal the end of the convo'
Question 1 Would you still feel proud of your man if he behaved really badly/hurt people?
Question 2 Can a woman be sexy and strong?
anwswers welcome
*I am not a scientist or historian so don't blast me if the 'facts' aren't totally accurate.. pls accept my apologies in advance ;-)
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