Or does the success of a relationship also depend on money.
His and hers.
Will you ladies be happy with a man who can't help to pay the bills? If he can't buy you nice things - take you out from time to time?
Do you men look for women who can cushion the blow of unemployment?. Would you resent a woman for not paying her way. Is the age of chivalry dead?
Tell me...can you really love someone when the electricity bill's overdue – you need money for the children - food to eat - and your own needs are far from being met?.
Imagine...'she looks at him.. he looks at her' ..and nobody's looking happy??
Ladies...would he still be knight in shining armour - or more.. night-mare!!
A guy the other day insisted he walk with me awhile and in talking - proudly went on about how he’s glad to be able to leave work early – how tired he was from working so hard... blah blah blah.. I asked him what he did – and he paused before saying... he supervises cleaners.
Oh yes... a ‘cleaning sup-er-vis-or’ now don't get me wrong...there’s nothing wrong with that...but frankly – the answer wasn’t fluid which led me to believe he was probably...a cleaner just too embarrassed to say - because he was trying to impress – but my feeling on that is .. If you're embarrassed to say what you do for a living – or you have to lie to a woman about who you are – you shouldn't be trying to chat that person up..should you?
I wasn’t bothered either way – he was sweet enough - but I wasn’t interested... he wasn’t to know!!
People say they love people for many different reasons…
For some – it’s a promotional opportunity - maybe financial or perceived status
For some – it’s an ego boost
For some – they were lonely and someone was keen
For some – tradition/cultural reasons
But... if you love someone for a reason – is that really love?
Why not love someone... for no reason at all – other than you just do...
Just a thought..
Having said that ladies - we know money isn’t everything - but it helps right?
Guys - If you don’t have it - don't worry - you just better have one hell of a cute personality … either that... or a huge...
“Yes??!?”... Someone’s calling me… back later!! ;-)
Oh.. heart .. by the way...I was going to say... heart!!!
Dawna you stopped at the good part a huge what lol.......
ReplyDeleteI am not gonna pretened that I want any mediocre relationship because I don't been there done that worn the T shirt and quite frankly next time I want a silk shirt.
Love is just not enough am afraid when two people set out on a journey all the important things which nourishes and makes the relationship strong matter but so do creature comforts such as a nice house, holidays, good scools for the kids etc.....point is wheb the chips are down you learn to support each other. Most oftrn in realtionships we get that soooo wrong!!!
As it goes the neck supports the shoulder most of the time... as we know women have been deemed competent as the neck which holds a home together.....but sometimes the man has to play that perticular role. It's rather unfortunate that when the tables are turned the men feel very threatened and inadequate.
Good Points ChilledLeo - I agree.
ReplyDeleteYour point about not pretending you want a mediocre relationship stood out to me - powerful word. It made me think.. an exceptional person will not be content in a mediocre relationship.. just as a mediocre person would not be satisfied perhaps with an exceptional one. Both will feel uneasy and unfulfilled. I couldn't have a mediocre relationship either... I'd chew my fingers off!!! anything but that!!! Having said that - I looked up mediorce in the dictionary and the definition is - of low or inferior quality!! then decided it may be a bit harsh to refer to some people in that way. Far better then to say that two people should be.. as written in scripture(I'd have to find it) 'evenly yolked' I'm a romantic yes - but also a realist. Love is like a strong ray of light. Best to prepare for it - or it could hurt you.