Saturday 30 April 2011

Dr Phil on David Letterman.. not literally ...

David Letterman speaking to Dr Phil

Tough questions eh Dr Phil.. how's that workin' for ya? ;-)
Here's my summary...
D. Is Trump racist?
P No! (he's my mate!)
D How can you say that if you're not racist?...
P ha ha ha... he just doesn't think things through!
D ha ha ha..

Check out the clip..Dr Phil looks uncomfortable to me
*Trump's so rich I expect he really just doesn't give a damn...

*Power of money


  1. People struggle to let go of belief systems. Think of a belief we you may have struggled to let go of in the past. I can - it was tough. I did it - but it was hard. Now - imagine it's a belief system that serves you well/benefits you -economically - socially - in every way - and is further supported and sustained through instituions and power structures. You will hold onto it for dear life perhaps. Those who do not believe that systemm will be ostacized and deemed incorrect... some may even be accused of using this as an excuse for 'whatever ails them' For those who benefit from such beliefs they will be reluctant to relinquish the gains made - and will be fearful of what a new 'reality' will consist of. For many - it's normal - as water is wet. Yes - in this clip - Dr Phil looks like he could use one of those oversized chairs he so found of!!;-)
