Happy Saturday to you all
today being the 1st day of my hol's - I feel like staying in bed all day - but I wont as I have much to do..
I had the oddest dream that caused me to wake early anyway. I dreamt there were Monkeys in my garden stealing my garden furniture. I just managed to throw something at one who was lifting the chair over the fence.. ( didn't bother him)this was after engaging in some foolishness at a venue in Hackney which I wont go in to)
I was curious enough to google the meaning.. here's what I got
Q. What does it mean when you dream of Monkeys?
1. A banana deficiency! ( serves me right!)
2. A deceitful friend (sob) One who will flatter you to advance their own interests ( please don't awaken my paranoid side yikes!!.. I need to trust more baby - not less)
3. An immature attitude and repressed sexuality (hmmm - I'm listening)
4. As Monkeys represent your playful/mischievous side ( apparently) it's a sign that I really need to lighten up and have some fun ( are those two linked?? just a question.. I bet a man wrote that..ahem)
Monkeys kind of scare me - they look so nimble and urghh
My boy said it's a reminder of when I used to live with them in the jungle!!
(Just so you know .. he's had a tendency to liken me with animals on and off.. when he was 7 he decided I had a long neck - and called me 'Lama neck' which later progressed to 'Goose neck'.. yeah - tell me about it!! anyway.. just so you know it's not some weird 'inner' racist thing!!)
I like the playful one - I do like to play more often than not - so I choose to continue to be mischievous and have fun.. get thee behind me Monkey Dreams.. if ya know what I mean..
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