Unfortunately - I fear we have still have some way to go to change stereotypes and discriminatory practices.
Vogue magazine famously said that if they put a black woman on the cover of their magazine it sells less copies. Really?
How would they know..??
I kid There have been a few black models on the cover since so I trust they've dealt with perfunctory racist ideology so I'll let it ride...It's a boring and backward argument anyway..and I know my readers are more intelligent than that..
I would say though that most Londoners live in very mixed 'communities' in terms of ethnicity - yet BMEs ( or even those who look a bit different to the mainstream) are still underrepresented in roles of significance - and by that I mean roles where they can have a real impact on policy - allocation of resources - funds - the design of strategy - even though - much of it once decided and acted upon - could have a profound impact on their lives - and the lives of their communities.
I would love for someone to explain to me why they think this is - and to enable us to get to the root of this imbalance..as I'm a little unsure - but until that time...and as a reminder of the rich mix that surrounds us all and sweetens this wonderful 'British Brew..'
Here are some images - coming to a boardroom near you!!

Can I just say - if Alek walked in - I'd have to say "What you doing here girl?? - get thine legs up on that catwalk - you tooo hot!!
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