There are lots of things us women like men to do for us - and one of them is … go to the shops!
I’m not sure what it is about the shop thing - but women do tend to have a habit of sending men out there. We could have just got back from shopping – trust me – later on - maybe while watching TV the woman will say – “can you buy me something from the shop?”
Could be for chocolate
A bottle of wine - whatever.
What is that about?
Men seem happy enough to comply - to the point where they may be going somewhere entirely different but before they leave they’ll now ask “ want anything from the shop?”.. result!!
In fact – ladies if you're out and about and a man leaves a shop with a small bag with apparently few items and he tries to chat you up... he’s probably on a mission for his girlfriend.
Ti’ had a couple of female friends come to visit him the other day and within half an hour they’d sent him to the shop for chips!
I wonder if women in remote tribes do this – ‘hmmm I fancy some honey – honey!... can you get me some please?’
The man would have to venture into the jungle and scale some 1000ft tree with little but smoke for protection - get stung by a gazillion bees to bring the lady what she loves...
Remember the milk tray man?...
Question Ladies – why do we love to send our men to the shop?
Not shopping – but to the shop!
If they refused would we still love them?
If they refuse does it mean they don't love us?
I think it's the hunter gatherer thing.. we still want our men to be hunters deep down.. and yes... going shop for us is a sign that you care

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