Sunday 3 June 2012

Redistribution of power

I quite like macho guys.

Especially when they are so secure in their masculinity, that they don’t feel the need to control or dominate, rather they recognise the power of a woman, and that the two forces, masculine and feminine, can exist side by side, each essential for each other’s survival.

In relationships, one person may feel the need to control, or hold the power, often at the expense of the other person.
Yet true power can never be taken, it is always given.

I think it should be fluid. Each person can ‘step up’ when required as certain situations require certain skills. It can be redistributed at any point and should never be static.
Maybe the title should be, redefining power- the duality of the sexes.

Being able to recognise the true qualities that exist in another is powerful. Power - is often the very opposite to what we think it is.
Those who truly have it.. never fear losing it.

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