My mother always used to say never a borrower or a lender be
She never got into debt and never worried about money.
What gives us security is the absence of fear.
Knowing that whatever happens, you will be okay.
What creates fear is the feeling of losing what you have... or think you have. The more you feel you have the more you fear.

We can become a slave to our possessions and they can end up possessing us instead of the other way around.
Those who struggle financially have the mistaken belief that those who appear to have money have no worries, and as a result get themselves into debt trying to live a dream that in reality is often a nightmare to those living the life.
But nobody wants to say.

Nobody wants to feel like a fool or look like a failure.
Yet our value system is bust.
The system has us by the throat and is cutting off our oxygen.
Yet it can change in an instant.
Instead of following others, follow no one. Live according to your honest self.
Neither Happiness or Security ... can ever be found wanting
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