Is making love a physical art? an animalistic urge? ...or just Dawna talking b*****ks
I definitely think it’s best to know how a person genuinely ( although you cant always be sure) feels about you before you assess their bedroom technique ... Otherwise one sure could get through a lot of partners *yikes* ( still counting on five fingers or you on to the toes!?! )
That’s like the ABC of sex ed at school right?.. get to know...

Are sex and love always intertwined for women?, or should they be separated, never the twain to meet unless of course there’s a soul connection.
But what if a person ( male or female) never makes a soul connection?
Now I don’t know why this guy said what he said, but I won’t dismiss it. Why?... well... because I’m pretty sure women are just the same.
A woman who’s tired of her partner, whose feelings have waned, can’t stand him anymore or just really isn’t that into the guy, will go with the flow, but not really put any unnecessary energy into the process. In fact, it’s possible that she may even wonder why on earth she’s doing it at all.
Unless of course, the encounter is based purely on ‘sexpression’, then, perhaps, anything goes.. after which the door will slam shut.. and she can blissfully enjoy a warm beverage and a book. Fully satisfied.
Personally speaking, I think sex is a bit like cooking. When a cook puts his or her heart into a meal, it usually tastes good. Equally, if a person doesn’t feel like cooking, and pays little regard to the seasoning, it will more than likely taste pretty bland. *yuck*
I hate doing things half heartedly.
What’s the point?.
....I agree with the last few statements you do enjoy as much as you put in.....but if there is a dis connect in your sexual compatibility the gap will show and eventually one orboth people ill loose out......
ReplyDeleteahh yes true.. sexual compatibility. The word compromise springs to mind ( as many couples often do, (unless very lucky)