Friday 26 August 2016

Farage's one man campaign to spread more..well...Farage. [ft Machel Montano Aaron Duncan]

Did I really see Nigel Farage at a Donald Trump rally?
Speaking passionately to a group of supporters.. yes, it seems it was definitely him.
Farage's closing remarks were that ...' anything is possible if enough decent people are prepared to stand up to the establishment'.
He's not wrong there..

However, Nigel Farage is the establishment.
He's not fooling anyone there
An ambitious careerist with dubious intentions with regards to the welfare of others.. especially who he considers 'foreign'
'Bruk up Britain now im warn bruk up America ( so to speak)

Nigel Farage is a man on a mission. His mission is... to do Farage!... and good or him. He always looks as though he's enjoying himself that's for sure.
This right wing sentiment that seems to appeal to leaders such as Trump and Farage however is getting a bit boring.
Both men, it's worth pointing out, have wives who are 'foreign'
I guess they felt they had... 'nothing to lose'...

On the one hand Trump as President would be very interesting... as in funny. I kinda wanna see that dumb ass wall... and how much cement is required to cement his anti immigrant position into the history books.
Is he really serious about that wall??? lol

okay.. well... school has definitely changed abit... x


  1. Good music as always.
    Having Drumpf (his real last name) as president is the scariest thing I will have experienced in my 53 years of living. I am mentally prepared to leave the US for Canada should that happen, as are lots of people here.

    1. You would really leave?. I dont think he'll win tho, but then i didn't think the UK would vote leave so anything's possible. what does Drumpf mean? is it rude?
